Finally found our piece/peace! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Posted a note earlier about our 'unusual predicament' (being able to go anywhere, but never finding just the right spot). Well I'm thrilled to say it happened:My husband and I found beautiful waterfront island acreage with a small cottage in SW Fla. and are making the move this summer. Bountiful fishing and a healthy, safe environment for my kids! We are paying dearly for it, but realize that this is basically our chance of a lifetime. It's boat-only access so we can drop out and still be near what we want, when we want. There are no services (shopping, etc.) but there are utilities (phone and electric available) and one small chapel on the island. Kids are on waiting list for a new charter school over on the next island with a limit of 5 kids per grade, it's looking favorable, but if they can't get in this year, I have found a homeschooling curriculum that I am very comfortable with. (Have to learn to dock the boat in order to get them to school-- or convince husband to buy me a Zodiak inflatable to safely crash into things!)
Thanks to all who convinced me to keep my Y2K Heirloom Seeds Garden-In-A-Box (I tried to sell them in another post...was afraid they'd deteriorate way before we ever settled somewhere.) I'm ready to get going on my raised beds now!
We are able to occupy the cabin beginning Easter Sunday, so are heading over to attend Easter service at the chapel and spend the Easter break fixing things up for our summer move. Allelluia!
Anybody else living on an island? Would like to hear about the challenges you face in this particular situation.
-- Lynne David (, April 07, 2001
Sounds great! One question though, have you got somewhere to go during hurricane season?
-- nobrabbit (, April 07, 2001.
Good Luck to you Lynne!
-- Dee (, April 07, 2001.