Seed potato : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have bought about 15 pounds of seed potatoes to plant and want to know about how many pounds of potatoes I might get. Is there a rule of thumb to determine this? I do plan to cut these in half, but not in as small of pieces as you would get from Jung's. I want to make sure that I plant enough! Don't want to have to eat "store bought" taters any more! The ones we grew last year were so good! Hoping someone knows the answer. TIA Jean
-- Jean (, April 06, 2001
jean, first ,you must have at least 2 eyes in each piece, don't just cut them in half. some people go with one, but I think everything works better on the 2 scale. Now, if mother nature works with you, it should come in around 10 to one. How many lbs you need will depend on how many lbs you use, say weekly. Some type of fertilizer is a must. We hill ours, but some people use a bin type or circle, what ever works. good luck, Lexi
-- lexi Green (, April 06, 2001.
I have always left at least 2 or 3 eyes on each when planting in the tire stacks here.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 13, 2001.