Homestead : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have 27 remote acres in NE VT near the "safest town in America". I have named it Oleo Acres-One of your Cheaper Spreads. There is no electric available but there are springs on the land. Looking for a couple or individuals interested in sweat equity to build it up and help pay it off then we can subdivide it and you can have part of it or we can build a bigger house. I am doing owner financing and that is the owner's decision. We can share/use the entire acreage jointly. I live in the maple tree area so we can work share that for syrup and sugar. Where you chose to build may be good for growing grains.Taxes are low-$150.00 yearly and the monthly land payments are $200 a month. Again the quicker we can pay it off the quicker we can subdivide. In the meantime you can live in my home.
After we build your home I would like to be neighbors sharing stewardship of the land (sugaring, firewood harvest, gardening, foraging, etc.) I would like to see this work into an organic CSA cooperative with your help.
About me: I am a gay, Libertarian, Unitarian Universalist with a leaning toward Native American spirituality. I am very frugal and am goal oriented to becoming as self-sufficient as possible. I am not a vegetarian.
Looking for a hardworking couple or individuals with a knowledge of herbs. Hopefully you are interested in joining the Grange (a farm family fraternity) and NOFA-VT, conservative, land friendly with an interest in community and local politics. Sorry no children till we build your home. Must be able to deal with rugged VT winters. There will be times that the only way in and out is on snowshoes or snowmachine for about 1 mile. Must be able to make a commitment as once the money has been paid to the owner I cannot return it.
-- Stephen (, April 06, 2001
-- Kelle in MT. (, April 07, 2001.
Stephen, Sorry about the first post I hit the wrong button. It all sounded interesting until the NO KIDS part, good luck.
-- Kelle in MT. (, April 07, 2001.
Sounds like a generous offer, something many folks dream about. I for one have such a dream, but I'm afraid the Vermont winters are too extreme for me. But 27 acres with low taxes and $200/month payments is real tempting. Good luck.
-- Dwight (, April 08, 2001.