LLamas.....greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I wanted to know if anyone out there raises llamas? I love these guys and am trying to find out how to get involved in them. My USMC husband, Joe, doesn't retire for a couple of yrs, but we are researching things we'd like to do....We can't have them where we are now, but is there a way to get involved without having them yet? We are not new to animals, have had all kinds and love them to death!
-- Kathy (VaUSMCwf@home.com), April 06, 2001
There is a llama site, just use your search engine. One of the neighbors about 4 miles away raises llamas and has told me that they are gentle, spirited, calm animals who do not challenge the fences or cause trouble. The down side is that the currant price is about $20,000.00 per animal of breeding age and is expected to hold high for about 8 to 10 years, the currant money is in providing llamas to buyers. There is a market for the fleece but not very well developed yet.
-- mitch hearn (moopups1@aol.com), April 06, 2001.
Here in california you can pick up a lamma for under 1,000.Alpacas are expensive though.llamas wool is nice to spin [ great for blankets, ect] but i love the feel [ soft and silky] of alpaca better.
-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), April 06, 2001.
A lady in this area is selling bred llamas for $5oo to $600.I live in northeast MS. Bettie
-- Bettie Ferguson (jobett@dixie-net.com), April 06, 2001.
Hi There is a Llama farm near here selling Llamas for 400 to 1000, depending upon sex (male or female) and whether they are halter broken and trained to carry a load. Perform a search which will put you in touch with your state's Llama association and find out who near you has Llamas. I think they are neat, but I really want a camel. Don't laugh, I really do want to have a Camel, spitting and all!
-- Cindy (colawson@mindspring.com), April 06, 2001.
I screwed up, you said llama, I was thinking alpaca and thats where the price quote cane from. My brain was down for maintance and I have never been this old before....
-- mitch hearn (moopups1@aol.com), April 06, 2001.