Falconrygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This topic came up in responses to my post above.First of all..... White Christians have been practicing falconry for centuries upon centuries, just as pagans, Hindu and other religious cultures. It ain't just the Hopi. And, I get Audubon, too. The only difference is that the Hopi raise AN eagle for ritual slaughter.
Let's get some facts straight here.... Don't mind healthy criticism, even of my personal beliefs... BUT... Don't like spreading lies.
In just about every state in the union, there are laws regarding falconry. First off... let's get a couple things straight.
1) WE (meaning white people in general) have decimated populations of ALL birds of prey by a) pesticides (DDT, etc) and by killing them to protect livestock - just like wolves and bears.
2) If it weren't for falconers, there wouldn't be any eagles, or falcons, and probably very very few hawks.
3) Hopi sacrifice of one eagle - even if it is one eagle per group within the tribe - is NOTHING compared to what our holier than thou white brothers have done... NOTHING.
Now... According to state law in every state I have gotten a license:
You MUST take your first birds from the wild - as adults... Once you have your license, you are allowed to take them before flegling age.
Once you have had your license for over 5 years, you are allowed to own Goldens, balds, and even Peregrines. And, you are allowed to breed them.
People own raptors mainly for one of two reasons. First, hunting, second breeding for return to the wild.
While in captivity, all birds are kept tied, except when in a flight cage or out on a hunt. They are even trained while tied.
OF COURSE they eat freshly killed meat. Gee.... what do you think they eat in the wild??????? Most birds of prey do NOT eat carrion, though there are some that do, those also eat freshly killed meat. Go figure.
Of course... the safest way to feed the birds in captivity is with frozen meat, they do not learn to hunt this way, nor what fresh meat tastes like, so they become little more than exotic pets. Not exactly a life I would give them.... Kills all natural instinct.
I have bred birds for release into the wild. I have had them for hunting partners. Better than a dog any day, though I have labs now for that purpose, as I can't afford to raise food for birds right now.
The Hopi, Lakota and several other tribes have traditionally used raptors for many purposes... not just sacrifice - and is it any worse to sacrifice one eagle than it is to sacrifice of a bull, calf, goat, pigeon (re-read Leviticus...) There might even be a case for the Hopi and Lakota helping to repopulate those birds.
Goes back to what was said about propaganda and not wanting the truth known. Learn about the subject on which you speak before you do, or at least ask some questions. Sounds like you are just plain jealous. Audubon does not have a corner on truth, either.
-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), April 04, 2001
A. I would like to applaud your efforts to return these predators to their proper role in nature. The vermin here are out of control...B. What the hell are you talking about?
C. If it weren't for falconers, there wouldn't be any eagles, or falcons, and probably very very few hawks.
BWAH, HA, HA, ha, hehehe...I thought we were working toward truth here...
-- William in Wi (gnarledmaw@lycos.com), April 05, 2001.