Bush Finances Tax Cut on the Backs of Children and Uninsured

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April 4, 2001

Bush Budget on Health Care Would Cut Aid to Uninsured


WASHINGTON, April 3 — President Bush's budget will propose deep cuts in a variety of health programs for people without health insurance, administration officials said today.

Budget documents from the Department of Health and Human Services show that these programs, providing "health care access for the uninsured," would be reduced 86 percent, to $20 million, from $140 million in the current fiscal year. The programs received $40 million in 2000.

President Bill Clinton championed the programs — notably the community access program — as a way to help communities link up doctors, hospitals and clinics caring for people without health insurance. Mr. Clinton persuaded Congress last year to expand the programs so they could provide more comprehensive care, and the effort was praised by witnesses at a Senate hearing just two weeks ago.

But a White House spokesman said today: "We intend to phase out the community access program. Creating new federal grants is not the best way to address health care access. It's an efficacy issue."

So far the White House has not disclosed many details of Mr. Bush's budget, which would cut taxes by $1.6 trillion over the next 10 years. But today's disclosure provides the second example of significant cuts in domestic programs. Earlier, administration officials acknowledged that the budget would include cuts in programs for children and children's hospitals.

Over all, officials said, the budget of the Department of Health and Human Services will rise by 5 percent next year, to $55.5 billion. But all of the net increase goes to the National Institutes of Health, for support of biomedical research, not for the direct care of patients.

Mr. Bush's budget request, to be unveiled next Monday, would also cut federal spending for the training of doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals.

Budget documents show that the money for such training would be reduced to $259 million next year, from $353 million this year. But White House officials said that since the documents were prepared just a few weeks ago, they had decided to make even deeper cuts. The president, they said, will seek $140 million for training health professionals, a reduction of 60 percent from this year's level.

White House officials defended the proposal, saying there was an oversupply of doctors, so there was little need for the government to subsidize their training. But defenders said the program also paid for the training of nurses, who are in short supply. Moreover, they said, the money helps finance the training of family practitioners, internists and other doctors who agree to work in underserved areas, and it has increased the number of blacks and Hispanics in health care jobs.

More generally, a White House official said, "one of our overall goals is to slow the rate of growth of federal spending." Health programs, like many domestic programs, received large increases last December because Congress and the Clinton administration showed little restraint on spending, the official said.

The president's budget for 2002 seeks $1.8 billion for the care of people with AIDS, the same amount Congress provided this year. Advocates for people with AIDS said there was no allowance for inflation in the cost of medical care and the expensive drugs used to combat H.I.V. infection.

"This is cause for grave concern," said Alexis L. Schuler, director of government affairs at AIDS Action, a lobbying and education group.

Because of the drugs, particularly protease inhibitors, people infected with the virus are living longer, meaning there is more demand for drug therapy and for care under the federal program.

Many state-based programs that provide drugs to uninsured people with H.I.V. or AIDS have placed new restrictions on benefits and enrollment because they are running short of money, the Kaiser Family Foundation reported last week.

After the disclosure of White House plans to cut certain programs for children, the administration scrambled to respond to its critics. Administration officials emphasized that they would increase spending on education and increase the federal tax credit for families with children. But Democrats said Mr. Bush was violating his campaign promise to "leave no child behind."

In February, Mr. Bush said he wanted to double the number of low-income people served by community health centers over the next five years. To that end, his budget recommends an increase of $124 million, or 10.6 percent, to provide a total of $1.3 billion for such clinics.

Many community health centers have difficulty recruiting doctors and depend on the National Health Service Corps, created in 1970 to provide basic care to inner-city neighborhoods and rural areas. Mr. Bush's budget does not provide any increase for the corps, which would receive $125 million in 2002.

Daniel R. Hawkins Jr., director of policy analysis at the National Association of Community Health Centers, said: "We appreciate the president's commitment to provide increased resources to serve twice as many people over the next five years. But we would hope such increases would not come at the expense of other important public health priorities."

At a Senate hearing on March 22, the association sought more money for the corps and the community access program.

"You can build a lot of health centers," said a pediatrician who works for the government, " but if you don't have anybody to work in them, it's a problem."

-- Cuts to Children's Hospitals, Uninsured (for@the.rich), April 04, 2001


Typical Liberal fear-monggerring bullshit.

About time the gummint makes do with less of our money for a change since they never ask us if it's okay that they "cut" our income with their stupid tax increases.

And since when did the homeless, jobless, uninsured and everyone elses' kid suddenly have rights to my money? If they want all this crap to take care of themselves, then they need to get a job and make a living paying bills like the rest of us. I'm tired of having my wallet mugged every single time one of these stupid whiinney Liberals gets a worry complex.

You bleeding heart-types want to fund all this health and kid care crap - then fine , do it with yur own money, stop using mine.

-- Truthbenown (Upees@shit.com), April 04, 2001.

What a coward.

You come out and say these cold-blooded, heartless things, and hide behind an anon. Utter cowardice.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), April 04, 2001.

Yeah, but it's just that Bush promised to improve health care for children and the elderly. Oh well, it's not like a promise made is a promise kept or anything. At least he didn't lie about blowjobs or anything else vital to the American people.

-- (PromiseMade@Promise.Broken), April 04, 2001.

And ‘Future Shock’ is not an anon? What a simple-minded asshole you are.

-- Another (liber@l.jerkoff), April 04, 2001.

Truthbeknown, its my money too and I want it go towards helping the poor uninsured people. You really think people choose to live as poor? What a heartless fuck you are. Just like the rest of your butt fucking buddies! Repugs...they love to screw children!

-- You sick (fucking@bastard.com), April 04, 2001.

Heartless? Cold blooded?

Whats more heartless and cold blooded you nitwit? Using the gummint to legally rob a hard working stiff of their hard-earned money to give to a bunch of useless eaters with their hands out? Or encouraging and making the useless duffs get jobs and take care of their own responsibilities?

Which makes a more free country? A bunch of people depending on the gummint to give them freebies and subsidize everything? or people taking care of there own lives, not needing there neighbors or the state to make a life?

Coward? Bullshit asshole. You don't know me. The cowards are idiots like you that use the arm of the gummint to steal a mans wages to give to groups you want to be daycared by the state. and then you hide behind the costume of compassion and understanding. You are the coward that has no balls or common sense.

-- Truthbenown (Upees@shit.com), April 04, 2001.

Truthbeknown - You act like it is all your money! What do you want the government to do with your money? (illiterate ditto monkey) I want my share to go to helping out people that cannot help themselves. and don't forget fuckwad it was President Clinton who moved more people off of welfare than any of you repug fucks. Can you deal with that?!

-- Take this (up your@butt.com), April 04, 2001.

Deal with your own ignorance dipshit.

It is MY money you socialist shitwad! You have no business telling me or anywone else what they should be doing with their own money. I dont want the gummint to have any of my money except for national defense which is whut they were supposed to be limited to having anyway. if you want to give money to the useless eaters and the poor depraved folks that take handouts then by all means, you give them all of your money. Don't tell the rest of us what to do with ours, which is what you liberal shits always do. your nothing but poverty pimps and pushers, stealing from honest people to give to morons that vote your pet socialists into office and support your stupid pet programs.

And your pal clinton didn't do shit to get anyone off of welfare you ignorant ass. the stupid republicans made that an issue in 94 and your traitor-for-a-president was dragged kicking and screaming to sign that into law. So instead he made it out to be one of his own issues because it was popular with the people - or don't you recall the contract with America? That was the issue that got it all started you idiot. your facts suck. you are obviously a braindead imbecile that watches too much cnn propaganda instead of reading the news for yourself. must be a blank life living as a robot for the liberalshits in the democrat party.

-- Truthbenown (Upees@shit.com), April 04, 2001.

You give us the fucking money and we will spend it the way we see fit!!! How dare you question it you fucking repug follower! You will care for others whether you like it or not or we will let Bush run the entire four years. Gee, get a life...the piddling amount we get from you wouldn't buy an apple for a monkey! God you are so fucking rude! I hope you get the runs you wasted mindless repug follower!! Can you deal with that?!

-- Deal with (This you@bastard.com), April 05, 2001.

LOLOL do i have to separate you two?!

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 05, 2001.

U.S. President George W. Bush bends over to greet Ryan Deering, 4 years old, of Pensacola, Florida, during a photo opportunity with kids from the Children's Miracle Network on the South Lawn of the White House, April 4, 2001. Deering was born without either femur bone in his legs.

-- (what @ hypo.crite), April 05, 2001.

Hey Deal With This -

Thank you for illustrating so clearly to everyone what a marxist ,tyranical and dictatorial bunch of shits you assholes are!

"...We will spend it the way we see fit!!!" Spoken like a true thug.

Yes, Stalin hated having his decisions and authority questioned too - just like you Fascist fuckers...isn't that amazing? Mandatory caring and cofiscation of wealth for fellow comrades is indeed the mark of a good socialist too. Must be like looking in the mirror you socialist thugs and red commie assholes.

Thanks for showing us what liberals and demoncrats really are under all that "compassion". In America we have an answer for people of your like that want to shove your socialism shit down our faces at the point of the governments guns: it's called the second amendment. You pinko commie assholes should be easy to spot in the sights of my liberty defender.

-- Truthbenown (Upees@shit.com), April 05, 2001.


Is it true that most Repubs are as foul-mouthed and obscene as you? Is your strictly limited vocabulary a reflection of the GOP at large? Does your inability to construct a rational, reasonable argument using language that is free of obscenities also shared by the majority of Republicans around you?

In short, are you really as stupid as you appear to be? Is your vulgarity, grossly limited vocabulary and stunted reasoning, selfish and vicious manner, and rank obscenity a reflection of your political party?

I thought so.

-- You're a Perfect Specimen! (GOP@garbage.com), April 06, 2001.

Whenever I speak or write about President Bush's immorality in delivering the bulk of his tax cut to those at the top, his supporters' immediate response is to shout, "that's socialism; taxes belong to the people who pay them."

Government bears the ultimate responsibility for providing essential services to ensure the safety of the air we breathe and the food we eat. Government must help prepare for the increasing consequences of an aging population and attack the barriers that block a fair chance for children unlucky enough to start life in grinding poverty, rather than on third base like the president. Taxes are the obligation of responsible citizenship, not a payment still owned by the taxpayer.

-- Common Sense (for@change.com), April 06, 2001.

"Is it true that most Repubs are as foul-mouthed and obscene as you?"

Only the ones fed up with all the socilaist garbage being crammed down our necks. We're tired of taking it and were fighting back. If you dont like it, tough shit.

"Is your strictly limited vocabulary a reflection of the GOP at large?"

No. The republicans are mostly spineless wimps that have never understood the constitution and are too eager to compromise freedom for their reelections.

"Does your inability to construct a rational, reasonable argument using language that is free of obscenities also shared by the majority of Republicans around you?"

You can't reason with a two year old or a liberal socialist demoncrat. you have to either beat them over the head with common sense or bust their asses to show them whos boss.

"In short, are you really as stupid as you appear to be? Is your vulgarity, grossly limited vocabulary and stunted reasoning, selfish and vicious manner, and rank obscenity a reflection of your political party?"

Whatever you want to think huckleberry. I think playing nice with you idiots has proven a waste of time. you still keep infringing on my liberty and freedom, so I'm taking the gloves off, since force is all you turds will understand. You think you have annointed yourselves as having superior intellect over us little people that still respect and understand the Constitution. Fuck you.

"Whenever I speak or write about President Bush's immorality in delivering the bulk of his tax cut to those at the top, his supporters' immediate response is to shout, "that's socialism; taxes belong to the people who pay them."

You are a willing class warfare idiot. I think everyone who pays taxes should get a monster cut in their tax bill - if not a refund.

"Government bears the ultimate responsibility for providing essential services to ensure the safety of the air we breathe and the food we eat."

Fuck you and bullshit! goverment fucks up everything it touches and chains freedom. Individuals have the ultimate responsibility to provide for themselves essential services, not the government. Go and live in Red China moron, youd be happier among your own kind.

"Government must help prepare for the increasing consequences of an aging population and attack the barriers that block a fair chance for children unlucky enough to start life in grinding poverty, rather than on third base like the president. Taxes are the obligation of responsible citizenship, not a payment still owned by the taxpayer."

Spoken like a true marxist and communist buttfucker. Your kind are enemies to everything this nation was established and founded upon. Freedom is the only duty and obligation Americans have a responsibility to protect, it isnt paying confiscated wages in taxes you stupid shit. Taxes enslave you to control of the state to determine how much you are allowed to keep. You think just like a soviet, that all money belongs to the government and that they are being kind to let us keep some of it. FUCK YOU! My brother fought your kind in the jungles of nam and got his head blown off by the very same fuckers that think the same way you do.

Goverment has no business preparing for an aging population. That chore belongs to families and their children. They need to take responsibility for their own instead of leaving a mess the rest of us have to clean up. As to your help the poor children mantra - I'm sick of that stupid bullshit. It's nothing but crap and propaganda, and it dont work neither as your beloved welfare state Great Society has failed miserably at the hands of your presious goverment. Stick your class warfare third-base shit back up your ass you jealous bastard! Maybe if you got off your lazy ass and busted it yourself you would have mega bucks to give your own kids a headstart - but of course that will never happen because you think that the goverment should confiscate your money through taxes to pay for programs that dont work and just suck money like a vacume cleaner.

People like you need to get the fuck out of this country and go live in a communist paradise like Cuba or China or something and leave our constitution and freedom from governemnt alone. Im sick of you people sticking your shit in my face and telling me to eat it because its good. Im sick of you assholes taking my money and giving it to useless shits that scream for more and more. Im sick of you people using useless eaters as slaves to keep yourselves and agents in power. Im sick of you people using my money to pay for a bloated inept goverment that sucks more and more money and freedom and puts more and more restrictions and limits on my liberty. Im not putting up with your bullshit anymore, Id rather fight you assholes and put you in your proper place. Lets fight and get it over with, im sick of playing nice to you assholes.

-- Truthbenown (Upees@shit.com), April 06, 2001.

Individuals have the ultimate responsibility to provide for themselves essential services, not the government.

Do you believe the government should have responsibility to provide anything at all or should it simply be abolished?

-- (just@wonder.ing), April 06, 2001.

So sick and abused children who languish with no help from anyone are simply tools of "propaganda"? What a sick and selfish idea.

Thanks for so aptly proving my point, truthbeknown. Your grostesque "politics," foul mouth, and utterly vicious "thought" processes perfectly reflect what's wrong with this country. The hard- right neanderthals you support will be cleaned right out of office in 2002 because of the repugnant, irrational, ugly selfishness their supporters like YOU display in spades.

Why not run along to Freepers, Mr. Invertebrate, because your obsenities aren't appreciated here even by conservatives, who are used to reading and constructing a slightly higher transparency of greed.

-- You're a Perfect Specimen! (GOP@garbage.com), April 06, 2001.

"Do you believe the government should have responsibility to provide anything at all or should it simply be abolished?" Please go back and read the Constitution of the United States and the original Bill of Rights, and you tell me what things are listed there that the government is supposed to provide by the supreme law of this land. Promote the general welfare and PROVIDE the general welfare are two completely opposite concepts.

You will find that the federal government was to provide nothing...except for our common defense against an invading army and the negotiating of international treaties, nothing else. IMO the government is nothing but a necessary evil...something the founders understood and actually stated, which is why the constitution limits the power and intrusion on government, it does not limit the people to live their own lives the way they see fit.

"So sick and abused children who languish with no help from anyone are simply tools of "propaganda"? What a sick and selfish idea."

Yup. I'm free to be selfish in this country. If you're so worried about them, you go and help them yourself, you got no business telling aany of us what to do with our own money moron, so fuck off limey.

"Your grostesque "politics," foul mouth, and utterly vicious "thought" processes perfectly reflect what's wrong with this country."

Whatever. I think you left tilted socialist assholes were proven to be a total failure when your comrades of communism took a fall throughout eastern europe and the Soviet empire back in '90. Your ideology don't work asshole, it sucks. We don't want your communism here on our free soil, which is why you dickwads have to sneak it on us disguised as compassion and caring. What's wrong with this country is too many people believing your stupid socialist nonsense, but we're waking up to it.

And to quote Gecko: Greed is good...in a capitalist system. So go and run to Russia or China to practice your communism. Regular and decent folks have had enough of it and are drawing the line that you thugs don't want to cross. We are wising up to your compassionate Communism crap. Keep pushing your bullshit and you and your thuggish socialist buds are going to be a fine example of swiss cheese...American style.

Call that whatever you want. it won't change the fact that you are a sterling example of a typical tyrannical elitist asshole that believes that you have some unspoken moral right to our money, and can determine by divine fiat that you can spend it on whatever you think best. You think that those of us that don't buy into your shit are evil greedy simpletons that need to be caged - well fuck you and the self-annointed moral horse you rode in on.

-- Truthbenown (Upees@shit.com), April 07, 2001.

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