Democrats Say Bush Ignoring California : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


Democrats Say Bush Ignoring Calif.


Associated Press Writer

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- President Bush's Cabinet has more Californians than Texans and Silicon Valley executives form the backbone of his high-tech team, yet some state Democrats say the president is brushing off their pleas for help at a critical time.

The state is reeling from an energy crisis that includes the nation's highest natural gas costs, high wholesale electricity prices and a tight power supply that has led to rolling blackouts four times this year.

''I imagine right now California wishes that they had the secretary of energy,'' said David Lanoue, a political science professor at Texas Tech University.

Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta and Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi all hail from California -- important posts to a state where agriculture is the largest industry and transportation one of its most pressing issues. Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, also has California ties -- she's a former Stanford University professor.

But on energy, the president ''has told California to drop dead,'' said Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe.

Democratic leaders, facing Republican attempts to pin blame for the energy problems on Gov. Gray Davis and other top Democrats, spent much of the party's state convention last weekend bashing Bush.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein said she and Davis, both Democrats, have gotten nowhere in trying to push the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to cap wholesale power prices. Feinstein criticized Bush's appointments of two allies from Texas and Pennsylvania to the commission and called a March 27 meeting with Vice President Dick Cheney ''disappointing.''

''There was really no overture. No 'We're here to help. We're here to listen to you,''' Feinstein said after the meeting.

Democrats also criticized Bush for refusing to extend emergency federal orders requiring natural gas and electricity wholesalers to continue selling to California despite concerns about the ability of its two largest utilities, both nearly bankrupt, to pay for it.

White House spokesman Ken Lisaius countered that Bush has tried to help the state, including issuing orders easing rules on the construction of new power plants and forming an energy task force led by Cheney.

''The administration is, to the extent that it can in a situation like this, doing what it can to help California,'' he said.

Suggestions that Bush might ignore California are ''misplaced fears,'' Lisaius said: ''The president is the president for all 50 states.''

Politically, ignoring California could be hazardous, even though its Democratic leanings are clear -- Bush lost the state to Al Gore, despite spending more time and money here, and Democrats hold legislative majorities and every statewide office except secretary of state.

California is a source of lucrative campaign donations, a battleground in the fight over House and Senate majorities and it has the most electoral votes with 54. As Harry Pachon, president of the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute at Claremont Graduate University, puts it to politicians: ''Ignore California and do so at your own peril.''

''California was good to President Clinton and President Clinton was good to California,'' said Steve Maviglio, spokesman for Davis. ''Whenever the governor asked, he came through.''

Maviglio said Bush has been mostly receptive to the governor as well.

First lady Laura Bush made California the site of her first official trip; Bush included funding for a key California water pact in his budget plan; and there are the Bush administration appointments.

Several Silicon Valley executives have joined the administration: venture capitalist Floyd Kvamme as an adviser on science and technology policy; Ruben Barrales, who headed a high-tech nonprofit community and business group in California, leads the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs; and Lezlee Westine, former co-CEO of TechNet, a network of high-tech executives, directs the White House Office of Public Liaison.

Bush also has hired several high-profile Hispanic Republicans from California, including Los Angeles businessman Hector Barreto to head the Small Business Association; former Los Angeles Deputy Mayor Noelia Rodriguez, Laura Bush's press secretary; and Barrales.

''The president clearly understands the importance of technology and the new economy,'' Barrales said.


On the Net:

The Brookings Institution is keeping track of Bush appointments at

AP-NY-04-04-01 0235EDT< 

-- The (, April 04, 2001


As Californians scream for federal price fixing it is not heard by anyone since they have their heads up their butts as they yell.

Frigging idiots whine about deregulation, but whose deregulation is it and how deregulated did it become??

Hmmm, let's see what else the federal government should "fix" prices on - Big Macs; Cali's favorite, the BMW 525i; etc.

-- libs are idiots (, April 04, 2001.

BMW's are like so 15 minutes ago dude. Then there were the boxsters. And it seems that we've moved on to p/t cruisers.

My little tomato, ketchup will ya

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 04, 2001.

I try to ignore Kalifornia as much as possible also.

Chewin' on a liberal...

The Dog

-- The Dog (, April 05, 2001.

Saying that all of california is liberal, is like saying that all of Florida and Texas are rednecks. It just ain't so, joe.

What is up with this "US AND THEM" mentality anyway.

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 05, 2001.

You mean all Texans aren't rednecks? (lookin' at mine in the mirror)

Damn... you are right!

Us and them? Let's see... Canine... Homosapien... Canine... Oh the hell with it, BITE THEM ALL!

watchin' the lights flicker... (snicker)

The Dog

-- The Dog (, April 05, 2001.

LOL crazy dog!

go chase your tail

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 05, 2001.

I'll give you a 20 yard headstart... (snicker)

Lickin' Cin's face...

The Dog

-- The Dog (, April 05, 2001.

Hey Cin,

Was that last comment a bit much for ya? I couldn't resist...

Loungin' on the porch...

The Dog

-- The Dog (, April 05, 2001.

Don't be silly dog, you know how much I love your puppy breath

Besides, I had to hop into the shower

{pattin doggy's head} good dog =)

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 05, 2001.

I finally get it

cin is a blonde =)

-- (cin@cin.cin), April 05, 2001.

Just wondering... : )

Scratchin' an itch...

The Dog

-- The Dog (, April 06, 2001.

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