Dual Pass Encoding Claims to Improve VCD Quality

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi All, Pls take a look at this link. http://web.singnet.com.sg/~kentkwok/kenar/VCD.htm#Difference

Any one know how to perform dual pass encoding ? What tools to use ?

Regards, Arman

-- armanp (arman@thmulti.com.sg), April 03, 2001


Dual-pass encoding is a feature that's built into some MPEG encoder applications. It only has relevance with variable-bit rate, where in the first pass the original AVI file condition is inspected, and based on that info, in the second pass, bits are assigned to the parts of the stream with a bitrate within the minimum and maximum specified that efficiently addresses compromises between the best possible quality and the lowest bitrate possible to achieve that quality. In constant bitrate, such as that for VCD MPEG-1, it's hard to see how dual-pass can improve anything else that is not yet achieved in normal encoding.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), April 05, 2001.

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