Can anyone post here? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was wondering if anyone is welcome here, no matter what level of country living they aspire to? We want to move to rural property when my husband retires from the USMC in few yrs, but maybe not totally self sufficient...not sure. I might have questions about this kind of living, and wanted to know if I could post even if I'm not there yet? Thanks, in advance, for any replies!
-- Kathy Grosky (, April 03, 2001
This place is for "wannabes" as well as "alreadybes" and "almosttherebes", so Welcome!
-- R. (, April 03, 2001.
Hi Kathy! Sure you can post here, but I gotta warn ya. After hanging around us for a while, you WILL have the homesteading bug, and your husband will have to buy you a bit bigger rural property! Nice to meet you. What state are you in, Virginia?
-- Cindy in Ky (, April 03, 2001.
Welcome Kathy: We all have been where you are at one time or another (at least that is the opinion I get). I can remember a period in my life when I would dream and dream. have fun and join in.
-- diane (, April 03, 2001.
welcome kathy, but cindy is right, visiting here is a must for me now, I feel like I know many of these people firsthand by their lovely tips,helps and united ideas,I love them all. It's like being with family.
-- julie (, April 03, 2001.
Hi , I hope to see posts from you soon .Please join the countryside friends picture page too , join us for chat. You'll know when you are hooked .If you start asking for livestock,livestock books or equiptment or tools for Holidays and Birthdays .
-- Patty {NY State} (, April 03, 2001.
no,, not EVERYONE can,, you have to have access to a computer,, :)
-- stan (, April 03, 2001.
We even let stan post here...Welcome
-- grant (, April 03, 2001.
Kathy, Grant is correct, just visit some of the threads! Obviously anyone who wants to can post :) Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, April 03, 2001.
Ask your husband what USMC stans for. Thirty years ago it was "You suckers miss Christmas".
-- mitch hearn (, April 03, 2001.
USMC Uncle Sam's Misguided Children ? Kathy this is a good place for info generaly.The politics are amusing as well.welcome!
-- greg (, April 03, 2001.
I keep saying I'm not a homesteader; I just have land with animals and a garden on it, that produces money from eggs, rabbits, pigs, goats...oopps, well I still don't think of myself as a homesteader.
-- Dee (, April 03, 2001.
You fit in as well as the rest of us. I consider worms livestock and pocket money:>) Hang out and you'll find yourself walkin' the walk and talkin' the talk in no time. Ask any question you need a answer to and you'll usually get it answered in 24 hrs or less. If you don't already subscribe to Countryside, they offer a free copy at their homepage.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, April 04, 2001.
Welcome, Kathy!! I'm what you might consider a usedtobe, gonnabeagain, wannabe... So, if I can fit in - you are a shoe in!!!
-- Sue Diederich (, April 04, 2001.