Two Convicted in Attacks on Women in Central Park : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I'm curious as to whether Mr."I can't tell" will say that this post means that "I HATE NIGGERS". First, the perps are identified as Puerto Ricans which tells us nothing (for sure) about their color. Second, anyone who deliberately avoids acknowledging this issue might be accused of saying (in effect) that "I HATE [C-WORDs]".

Sometimes it's so damn hard to be PC. I try, I mean well, but I know that Barbra will never accept me.


Apr 2, 2001 -Tampa Bay Online

Two Convicted in Attacks on Women in Central Park

By Samuel Maull Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - Two men charged with being part of an unruly group of men that doused women with water and groped them in Central Park were convicted Monday of riot and assault charges.

A third defendant, charged with sex abuse, was acquitted. The men were among 30 charged in connection with attacks on more than 50 women after the Puerto Rican Day Parade last June 11.

Convicted were David Garcia, 33, and Abel Ortiz, 24. The jury acquitted Juan Miranda, 23. Jurors also cleared Ortiz of three sex abuse counts and deadlocked on a fourth.

The three were captured on shaky hand-held video by amateur cameramen in the park. Prosecutors and defense lawyers clashed over how jurors should interpret what they saw on the tapes.

Ortiz's lawyer, Edward Hamlin, said he plans to appeal.

"He did nothing tumultuous or violent and the women who were assaulted were assaulted after he left," Hamlin said, maintaining his client was in fact trying to help the women.

Verena Powell, Garcia's lawyer, said she also intends to appeal. She declined further comment.

One victim, a 29-year-old French woman in New York on her honeymoon, testified she was doused with water and shoved to the ground while dozens of male hands ripped off her clothes, and groped and poked her breasts, buttocks and genitals.

Garcia, Ortiz and Miranda are the only suspects who went to trial. Of the rest, 16 pleaded guilty and received sentences ranging from probation to four years in prison, and 11 cases were dismissed for lack of evidence.

Garcia and Ortiz were scheduled to be sentenced April 30.

-- Lars (, April 03, 2001


Lars, Telling the truth does not make you a bigot. Hiding things that happen because of the color of someones skin is being a bigot, no matter what "color" someone is.

No one can claim you are a bigot.

-- Cherri (, April 03, 2001.

You have referred to me a number of times now, Lars, and I am curious- why did I get so far under your skin?

What IS your motive for posting this article? Why is this newsworthy in your opinion? Is it because you hate spics? Are you glad those spics got what is coming to them? I am scratching my head, wondering what the relevance of this article is to our daily discussions here. Do I smell a troll post?

-- CannotTell (protecting@myidentityfrom.youpeople), April 03, 2001.

Cannot Tell--

Do I smell a troll answer?

It should be obvious what my motivation is. You remember, of course, your impassioned "I HATE NIGGERS" post that implied that posts of news items that describe black crime, especially black on white crime are crypto-racist and really mean that the poster is saying "I HATE NIGGERS".

That post pissed me off so occasionally I refer to it. I thought this incident was a good example. One minority attacks another minority. Is it prejudiced to post the news item? Is it prejudiced to not post the news item? You would be our moral arbiter, you are a feminist---you tell me. What should a person of good-will do?

Thanks for responding to this post. It would have been easy to ignore it.

-- Lars (, April 03, 2001.

Lars, Don't worry about it, just post what you find significant to you.

-- Cherri (, April 03, 2001.

Cherri, thanks.

-- Lars (, April 03, 2001.

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