Anyone know of a Property for Future : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My wife and I are looking for property. We are interested in at least 30 acres in a remote area with no development plans under consideration. A mountainous area in Pennsylvania, Virginia, or West Virginia would be ideal. The property has to be surveyed with mineral rights, and have the following: a reliable, year round source of water, a south- facing building site, and plenty of timber. Paved roads and utilities are not necessary. We appreciate any suggestions anyone may offer.PO Box 8513 Parkville Md 21234 Contact Ann at or Rick by reply.
-- Rick K (, April 02, 2001
Wow!! I didn't know it was still possible to get mineral rights out east... None of the family has them.If you want to go west, I can help, but good luck!! And if you DO get mineral rights, let me know!! I'd really be interested - and maybe could help some folks.... Coal mining land is leased by the fed these days - as is the right to mine it. Other than that, most minerals are free for the taking (if you can call all the equiptment free - )
-- Sue Diederich (, April 02, 2001.
Rick, left you a post on the other thread, There are still places in the east that have their mineral rights, you just have to ask . we had a lawyer do ours, the mineral rights came with our farm or we would not buy it. also wrote in water rights and rock strata so no one could touch anything under us. one more thing, make sure the trees come with it. sometimes they are reserved. there is stripping rights also. if you don't have them they can come in and tear up you place. don't need your permission. any way I'm sure you know this, if I can help let me know. Lexi
-- lexi Green (, April 02, 2001.
Hi Rick,Don't know of any specifics, but ther are good buys on land in our area...isolated or otherwise. for ad in teh local re mag has this..."25 acres..located in sand hills area (isolated)of Rockcastle county.This property has some timber,spring,m and electric. Priced at 25,900."
Lots of good buys in this area.
-- Wayne in Kentucky (, April 02, 2001.
Lexi -Interesting. I really didn't know that!!! I know here we have to check... But, they can't come in and tear up your place here unless they condemn it. At least that's good.... You can lease out a certain part for mining, but its up to the owner. Wow... Rock strata too???? I know you have to be careful just about everywhere for water rights (especially THIS year...)
-- Sue Diederich (, April 04, 2001.
sue, in the east water rights are vary seldom listed,so if you want them you must write them in. I have read that water rights in the west is held like the coal rights in the east. Anytime you buy land in this day and time you must think of everything that could happen. there are some vary honest people and then there are the others. unfortunately we can't tell by looking them in the eye or shaking their hand. I am not synical just cautious. Lexi
-- lexi Green (, April 04, 2001.
Dear Rick,I live in NW Montana and have a house on 7.5 acres for sale by owner outside of the town of Libby. I, too, have raised goats (and chickens) so the place is set up for small animals. I don't have an open water source but do have 2 wells to supply water. Also have water and mineral rights. I am willing to carry a contract on the place to a qualified buyer. Montana is a bit further west that Arkansas. I have family in Arkansas and moved to MT from Louisiana in 1975. I really like it here and the goats like the cold weather; summers are pretty mild, too. If you would like more information about our area let me know; if we're just too far away I'll understand. Best regards, Bonnie Smith Libby, MT
-- Bonnie Smith (, July 10, 2001.