Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum Video CD problems. A call for help!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Further to my earlier posting I felt I should clarify. I use bbMpeg from Premier 5.1 to encode in VCD format items captured from a DC10 card. When I try to cut these to VCD with the Video CD Creator part of Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum there is not a problem if I just cut them as simple structure i.e. the disc will only play from start to finish. The problem relates to the process of creating menus. The program prompts me for all the sequences including menu and start sequences and confirms that they are all ok and meet the spec. I then cut the cd and get no reported errors. When I play them on my Creative SoftMPEG player on the PC it loads up fine and the menu sequence is there. I can select tracks 1 to 4 fine and return to the menu...but when I try to select track numbers about that I get an error message saying the player is having trouble accessing the data. On my set top DVD I can again access the first four...but trying the others sends it into confusion. After my last posting I tried to create more than one menu page with four tracks on each using the Wizard but again the same problem. All of these menu systems are reported as OK by the program when I use the test facilities. I have noticed however that when the CD is being cut, at the end of the process the number of tracks and files that are cut are lower than the number of tracks and files that it reports are GOING to be cut. About three files and 2 tracks are missing. This is a mystery.

Has anyone else out there had a similar problem with menus in EZ CD 5 Platinum? The help files with the program tell you absolutely NOTHING (as many of you have reported before). Am I using incorrect CD cutting settings? Are there limits to the number of items that can go on a CD? If anyone has any suggestions as to why this does not work I'd be very grateful. I've wasted many CD's trying to solve this and am finally completely baffled!

Thanks all!!

Dave Partner.

-- David Partner (dvp@partner100.fsnet.co.uk), April 01, 2001


Your settings are fine. There is a maintance release 5.0.1 to correct the bad track above number 4 bug. It is available at Roxio.

-- Dwayne (ddilbeck@yahoo.com), April 02, 2001.

Dwayne. Thanks for that very useful information....I've downloaded the upgrade and it now works fine!!

Dave Partner

-- David Partner (dvp@partner100.fsnet.co.uk), April 03, 2001.

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