I'm From TimeBomb

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Hi I'm a refugee from TimeBomb which is having an interesting week for sure its like mutany on the bounty out there.

Thought I would drop in on you guys to see how this board goes.

-- Abby Lane (abbylane2001@hotmail.com), March 31, 2001


Hey, we're an open forum so put on your hip boots and wade right in.

(I wonder how many wandering refugees will be browsing over our shoulders as time goes by. It's kinda' funny since They considered Us to be anarchical heathen, scum-of-the-earth, unworthy renegades for the longest time. Now, I suppose, we have a certain appealing cache. Tides sure do turn, don't they?)

-- 1 (2@3.com), March 31, 2001.

Hi Abby,

Welcome,you can read my thoughts about the TB on the Time Bomb Falls Apart thread,but hello,glad you could join us,this is a rather eclectic bunch and the moniker "Wild,Wild West" lives up to its name.It surely beats walking on eggshells.

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), March 31, 2001.

oops...that should have read "cachet". A cache is what belongs in a bunker, right?

-- 1 (2@3.com), March 31, 2001.

Hi Abby. <:)=

-- Sysman (y2kboard@yahoo.com), March 31, 2001.

Welcome aboard Abby.

-- gay y2k (gay@y2k.anyone), March 31, 2001.

Oh, Abby Lane's our latest refugee from EZboard
Where you're ejected if you do not toe the line
And the sysops are very fine
When not asinine

At Wild West the sysop tolerates most anything
Except the graphic that would make the viewer puke
Since we think to issue stern rebuke
With a burning flame
Very lame

-- David L (bumpkin@dnet.net), March 31, 2001.

Do you mud wrestle Abby?

-- (KOS@ALO.CUM), March 31, 2001.

David gets a flame

for the poem, so lame

-- (fl@me.away), March 31, 2001.

But what's in a name?

-- y2k hector (we're@all.gonnaDIE!), March 31, 2001.

What will TB2000 do when everyone gets 5 flames and no one is left to post there?

-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), March 31, 2001.

What will TB2000 do when everyone gets 5 flames and no one is left to post there?

i wonder

-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), March 31, 2001.

David, I liked it. You should set it to music.

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), March 31, 2001.

Abby, So you have come here with your bible spouting bullshit. How in the hell will you survive here? If you continue the same crap that you pulled at TB2K you will be run out of here too. You and your Christian Zealot crowd are now going to infect this forum huh? They will not put up with your intolerance over here. Good luck! The gloves are off over here.

-- Polish Nobility (Polish@nobility.com), March 31, 2001.

Just so everyone knows I posted a link to ROTTEN.COM with a warning and Abby called for my banishment. She felt dirtied and became hysterical that I would post such a link.

-- Polish Nobility (Polish@nobility.com), March 31, 2001.


You don't get it. This is a free speech forum. Publish the rules again Unc.

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), March 31, 2001.

Can't all those pity packages from TB go here?

PN, Abby won't last the weekend if she starts posting the same crap that she posted over at TB.

-- (MrTimeh@scome.foryou), March 31, 2001.

I know it is. When I say she will be run off I mean she will leave of her own accord. She does not believe in free speech. No matter what one says or posts I would never ask for censorship or banishment. Censorship and banishment is part of her dogma.

-- Polish nobility (Polish@nobility.com), March 31, 2001.


what will the sysops and ed have to discuss when everyone at tb2k leaves?

-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), March 31, 2001.

If abby is here can Iona & GV be far behind? Just what we need. Who has the url for Poole's? No, wait. Don't post it here. I'll figure it out.

-- (anotherbrick@the.wall), March 31, 2001.

Uncle Bob - they can discuss what to do to the Casskeys for outing that one poster. See the thread several lines below this one.

-- (me@again.now), March 31, 2001.


Welcome. I will probably not agree with a word you say, but I learn more from those with whom I disagree than those with whom I agree.

I do not care what your history was over there. But it IS true that flames are a regular part of life over here, and I may be the one doing it : ).

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), March 31, 2001.

It just galls me , she comes over here talking about mutiny over there and she and her ilk were behind the intolerance , attacks and calls for banishment on the TB2K forum. She told us over there that she "pretended to be dumb so that we might feel intelligent", this statement was in one her last posts over there. Bunch of nasty little shits.

-- polish nobility (polish@ nobility.com), March 31, 2001.

FS - you'll learn how right-wing conspiracy nuts, who write and think at the 6th grade publik skool level, attempt to function in our society. It ain't pretty.

-- (anotherbrick@the.wall), March 31, 2001.

"I'm from Timebomb (and I'm here to help you)"

-- Careful (she'll@save.you), March 31, 2001.


Apparently your rep precedes you. I never go to TB so I don't know you. You can post whatever you want here. So can everyone else, so be prepared to be flamed, shamed and automobiled.

You will not be deleted here but you may choose to leave the kitchen because it can get hot.


-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), March 31, 2001.

Abby, welcome.

Polish Nobility, several posts and no midi? Is that really you? :)

-- (bygrace@thru.faith), March 31, 2001.

"Polish Nobility". Hmm... I recall that name as one of the very few voices of reason on a recent chemtrail thread I happened to look at over on EZ. I was actually quite impressed as he valiantly battled the dogmas spewed forth by the parishioners from the Church Of The Chemtrail Conspiracy.

Ya did a good job, PN. I'm surprised you weren't banned for the sin of blasphemy.

-- CD (costavike@hotmail.com), March 31, 2001.

Abby, welcome posts are not allowed. Read the rules!! You've earned your first flame.

Polish Nobility, people with the initials PN are not allowed. We had to run Peter Norton, of Norton Utilities fame, out not too long ago. Have a flame:

People, read the rules, or you will be banned. And don't ask where the rules are. It's against the rules.

-- (Secret@Sysop.Committee), March 31, 2001.

Hiya Abbey! =)

A thousand welcomes to you and anyone else who ventures over this way....cin (tofuyummy)

-- (cin@cin.cin), March 31, 2001.

polish crappability,

go away

go away

go away

-- (yeah you@know.who), March 31, 2001.

cin = tofuyummy? Kewl!

-- (Rosey@the.Posey), March 31, 2001.

So Abby, you and your friends going to jump into every thread over here and accuse people of being demon-infested like you did over at the "other place". Try to shut everyone up who isn't Christian? Try to cram your dogma down everyone's throat even after you are asked to stop?

This should be fun to watch - I'll be toasting marshmallows in the flames that erupt.

-- Bender (bitemy@shinymetalass.com), March 31, 2001.

Hi Abby, welcome. Can you bring Jessebelle over here with you? I'd love to sit back and read the debates!

-- Debra (Thisis@it.com), March 31, 2001.

Hi and welcome Abby. Uncs rules are simple.... There are NONE.


I am glad you took up unc's offer. We are a WILD group, and nevermind the critics, you'll be fine. Just get your skin toughened up after you've been kicked around a minute.

Actually its part of the initiation. (sp?)

But, we have been known to corrupt so beware. :-)

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 31, 2001.

Welcome, Abby!! I really think overall you'll love this wonderful, eclectic bunch here. So, take yer shoes off and set a spell...

-- Eve (eve_rebekah@yahoo.com), March 31, 2001.

Abby, I am looking forward to the certain ass kicking you will receive here. By all means, bring your mutants along with you.

Let the Inquisition begin.

-- No more (mr@nice.guy), March 31, 2001.

The two faces of Polish Nobility - hypocrite and asshole.

From SleezyBoard Today:

"I got a little tired of all the posts that were of a complaining nature. Thought I would give us a break from that and turn up the intellectual volume. I hope everyone is enjoying what I am posting."

Sounds like his stupid rant on this Abby chick would fall under the category of "complaining nature". I don't see much "intellectual volume in his constant whiining about religious peeple, it's more like bitching volume.

This polock sounds like a arrogent shit to me and a 2-face asshole. But thats just me.

-- Truthbenown (Upeese@shit.net), March 31, 2001.

Me too!

polish crappability

go away

go away

go away

-- (me@too.me too), March 31, 2001.

hehehhe...might be that PN is WHY there is no longer any Polish nobility....just too arrogant and self involved! Spew elsewhere PN..(grinning at you)

-- No where not even here (Nowhere@home.com), April 01, 2001.

Polish Nobility = Dumbya. Or at least they were cut from the same cloth.

-- they be joined (@the.hip), April 01, 2001.

Polish Nobility, GROW A DICK will ya, ya whiney assed bastard. Welcome Abby!Ignore the Peeon.

-- Can't wee (ashlinep@aol.com), April 02, 2001.

This is gonna be so much fun, watching the mutant cannibals here take on the holy roller crowd from TB2K. Jeez, I'd pay money for this show, honest I would. So Abby/Jesse/DJ, who ya gonna label a demon first, huh?

-- Just Waiting (justwaiting@flames.com), April 02, 2001.

I'd just like to state for the record that I'm a demon. So is Flint, Tarzan, and a few others. Eve likes apples, but you may want to politely decline any she offers. Lars, reportedly, is even the head devil of one of the 7 levels of hell, I forget which one.

And contrary to popular belief... We love christians here. Preferably in a nice pesto sauce.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), April 03, 2001.

Demon here, checking in.

What....er, Who's for dinner?

-- (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), April 03, 2001.

I like MY christians with fava beans and a nice Chianti.

-- Just waiting (Just waiting@for the fun.tobegin), April 03, 2001.

Well PN are you proud of yourself?

Come, lets do it out here shall we, or is just trying to destroy me in TB today all you're up for.

I should have done it out here last night, but I thought I would be a lady and call you a wart on the ass of society in private.

Just because I am a christian doesn't mean I don't have buttons and you have pushed every single one of them it seems like forever.


-- Abby Lane (abbylane2001@hotmail.com), April 04, 2001.

Thank you all for the welcome. I will lurk and post, this neighborhood is not so bad!

Polish Nobiltiy never mind I don't have the stomach for a public blood bath nor the time, its over you won and I am going to move on.


-- Abby Lane (abbylane2001@hotmail.com), April 04, 2001.

Naw Abby,it ain't so bad.Not nearly as bad as from where ya came and besides,there are no shackles here to keep you from torching the shit outa someone with the flame-thrower of your choice.

Choose your weapons! errrr flame suit.

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), April 04, 2001.

Wait! Let me grab some beer and lower myself into the whirlpool before she starts shooting.

-- (duck@nd.cover), April 04, 2001.

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