I-Author for SVCD creation

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

This was asked a while ago, but now the link is broken... I'm using I-Author to make a SVCD... but everytime I try to, I get this error: "An Error occurred when accessing an unnamed file" Does anyone have a patch that fixes this? It's driving me insane!

-- Chris (caolsen@students.wisc.edu), March 30, 2001



-- trame dty (chianboyty@163.com), May 29, 2004.

3 years later dude? anyways ur trying to add the mpeg i assume, which doesn't exist. ur image files probly aren't extracting. get alcohol 120% or use nero, mount the image, then copy the mpeg. try with the new mpeg

-- sssss (23234@sdfsd.com), June 15, 2004.

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