Life and its many : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
Dear photo afficionadoes,Hi. My name is Cynthia E. Jones I would appreciate it if you would take a look at my website:
I have not only black and white but color photos from negative scans, mostly 35mm, some Holga and Rolleicord as well. I shoot local band photos in Sacramento, California, and work as a photojournalist for the Roseville Press-Tribune. I will be moving to upstate New York in September and I'm looking to possibly meet other photographers in New York or the area to collaborate with/ hang out with. I am also attending Burningman again this year and have burningman specific photos:
those are from 2000. If anyone is going to 2001, let me know! Let's start a photo camp!
Have a lovely week. It's 81 degrees and sunny in Sacramento.
-- Cynthia E. Jones (, March 30, 2001