Does anyone have Naked Ladies? (Lily plants) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I would very much like to locate bulbs of a sentimental favorite of mine sometimes called Naked Ladies, Magic Lily, Surprise Lily or Resurrection Lily. (Lycoris squamigera) It puts out leaves and the leaves completely disappear and a month later in August it puts up lovely pink flowers. Please let me know and I will be happy to more than cover the costs involved. Rita
-- Rita in TN (felfoot, March 29, 2001
Rita - I saw several blooming around my house last summer shortly after I moved in. I remember thinking some would have to be moved because we are doing alot of renovating. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly where they are. I would be happy to dig some up for you once I find them. Should I wait til fall to dig them up? I'll be sure to mark them this year.
-- Sandy (, March 29, 2001.
I though you might be talking about the crazy lady down the street that sometimes forgets her medicine. -:)
-- Gary (, March 29, 2001.
I thought it was about a computer virus -- wasn't that the name of one of them! LOL!
-- Joy F (So.Central Wisconsin) (, March 29, 2001.
I have them too, I live in South Central Ky. be glad to send you some. Jean
-- Jean in Ky. (, March 29, 2001.
Rita,We have them crowded in a circle that my grandma must have put out 20 years ago. How many do you want? I'll send you some bulbs after we then this fall.
I kind of like the delicate looking pink blooms. I wish they came in other colors though.
-- Marty (, March 29, 2001.
Thanks so much for the replies on the lilies! Country people are great. Since the reply from Kentucky is in my general area I thought the plants would be more apt to "settle in". If moving them now does not work perhaps I can contact you folks in the Fall. Thanks again. Rita
-- Rita in TN (felfoot, March 30, 2001.