Hi, I would like to introduce myselfgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi, I'm new to the Forum. My name is Jo Lynn and I just subscribed to Countryside March 26. I found this website through Carla Emery's book "The Encyclopedia of Country Living." After browsing the website I knew I had to subscribe. I have asked 2 questions about our goats and I learned so much from the responses. Thanks to all that responded. We bought 31 acres last year and are in the process of getting it ready to farm, we hope to actually move there in 3 years. We, my husband and myself, were half way through fencing when I was involved in a car wreck and shattered a bone in my leg. I won't be able to walk on it until June. I am a city girl but my husband was raised in the country. We have 2 children, a boy and a girl. Our son is 6 and loves the "future farm", he wants to be a farmer. Our daughter is 11 and isn't so fond of the "farm", she wants to work in the mall. Haha. We have 17 goats. We had a black lab that we loved but had to give him away because he loved the neighbor's chickens. We were very sad. We hope to build a barn this year but weren't expecting the wreck.(I am unable to work til June) So far I have loved the land and I am looking forward to the day we build our house there. We live in Tennessee and our land is about 45 minutes away from our current home. Well, I guess I'd better go, thanks again for all the great info.Jo
-- Jo Lynn Lewter (jlewter@tnns.net), March 28, 2001
Hi JO welcome to the forum theres a great bunch here sounds like youall will fit right in. best regards Bob Condry .Bob se.ks.
-- Bobco (bobco@hit.net), March 28, 2001.
Hey Jo! WELCOME to the crazy world of country dwellers! Ya'll don't actually have to live in the country to enjoy this great site. The people makes this a great place to visit. I see you have already encountered that. Keep your dream alive by plan'n on the move. I don't think ya'll will have any second thoughts about mov'n to the country. The kids'll come around and come to love it too. Post often and let all the folks, includin us old hillbillys, know what's happen'n at ya'lls place. ole hoot. Matt.24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 28, 2001.
Welcome , my oldest daughter was the same way when we mad the move .I think she would fight the hardest now if we left .
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), March 28, 2001.
Hi Jo! Welcome to the forum and to the Countryside family. I have subscribed to the magazine for many years, but just found the forum a month ago. I love it. You will find that the people are wonderful and always ready to help with any questions you may have. So just ask.I hope you heal fast and get a lot accomplished this summer.Don't worry about your daughter. I'LL bet she'll love country life within a few months. Goog luck! Winona
-- Winona in MO (thompsonwin45@hotmail.com), March 28, 2001.
Welcome to the family Grant
-- grant (organicgrange@yahoo.com), March 28, 2001.
Hi Jo...I am a newcomer also. .I envy you all that acreage!!
-- Lynn(MO) (mscratch1@semo.net), March 28, 2001.
Welcome Lynn, Winona and Jo! Sissy
-- Sissy Sylvester-Barth (iblong2Him@ilovejesus.net), March 28, 2001.
Welcome! June will be here before you know it! God bless.
-- Lesley (martchas@bellsouth.net), March 28, 2001.
Welcome to you and your family. Take care of that leg you will need it plenty come summer. Hope to hear about your place from time to time. and feel free to email anytime. Shau Marie
-- Shau Marie in WI (shau@centurytel.net), March 28, 2001.
You found a great group!! I have only been here a couple months, myself. Welcome.Lynette (Mo)
-- Lynette (fear_the_bear@webtv.net), March 28, 2001.
Welcome, Jo Lynn, very sorry to hear about your accident! Nice to meet you, glad you found us!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), March 28, 2001.
Welcome indeed! Many of us are crazy, but few of us stupid. GL!
-- Brad (homefixer@SacoRiver.net), March 28, 2001.
Hi Jo,Welcome!
Talk On!
-- woodsbilly (coleenl@penn.com), March 28, 2001.
Hi Jo,,,,,welcome to the Forum,,I am new also, just found and joined about a month ago, although I have been reading Countryside Mag. since the 80s.***You take good care of yourself and you will be running around and back to your old self in no time,,,Your future farm plans sound wonderful..and the kids will do fine,,my kids loved the country life,, Your little girl is probably starting to "grow up" and that gets a little touchy when they think about leaving what is familiar. I had a 12 year old the same way,, She is grown now..doing fine. ...So glad to meet you and look forward to seeing you on the Forum.
-- Patsy, MT (cozyhollow-gal@care2.com), March 28, 2001.
Welcome Jo!!!!!!! We all love new folks. My first bit of advice: try staying out of cars. Gardens won't break your legs!! Ha.....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (kirkay@yahoo.com), March 28, 2001.
Hi Jo Lynn, welcome to Countryside, I think you will find that just about everybody here is really easy to get along with, and if you ever have question ask away I am sure that someone on here can come up with the answer. What part of TN are you in? I am in the SW part, close to the MS state line. Take care hope you have a speedy recoveray. Good Luck with your farm.
-- tracy emily in TN (emilyfarms@tsixroads.com), March 28, 2001.
Hi Jo! I'm just a little north of you in the middle of Kentucky. Welcome, and you'll find this forum quite habit-forming! Sounds like a nice place you have.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), March 29, 2001.
Welcome Jo and family.
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), March 29, 2001.
HI!!Welcome to the forum!! Hope you are starting to feel better - I know you will like it here - I know I have learned a lot and made some new friends!!
I know how it feels to live so far from your property. Don't have my farm yet - got claims for a mine, though...(don't plan on using it for more than panning and camping, but it helps cover the cravings to get out of town!!) However do you survive the commuting thing???
-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), March 29, 2001.
Welcome I am sure you will LOVE it here. Take care. Sara
-- sara (tshoos@peoplepc.com), March 30, 2001.
Welcome Jo Lynn!
-- nobrabbit (conlane@prodigy.net), March 30, 2001.