SQL Server 7greenspun.com : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
Eric,Great resource! Can you shed light on the current status of SQL Server 7.0 - Our ERP system is approved for 7.0, but all the channels are supplying SQL Server 2000, which the ERP software vendor hasn't certified. Is SQL 7.0 totally unavailable for purchase? Our current platform is 6.5 - If I can find 7.0 how is it licensed, ie. can I still use my 6.5 CAL's for accessing the 7.0 server? Thanks for taking time to answer.
Mike Ball
-- Anonymous, March 27, 2001
Michael,Have no fear, Microsoft is still supporting SQL Server 7 with service packs. You will need to purchase SQL Server 2000 and then downgrade. (Really!) You can read the details at http://www.microsoft.com/sql/productinfo/pricing.htm.
Near the bottom is a section titled, "How to Obtain SQL Server 7.0". This page also explains how CAL works.
Good Luck,
-- Anonymous, March 28, 2001