Countryside Chat : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi,,not sure who to ask about this,,,perhaps Patty? I went to the chat site and a dialog box came up and said I couldn't get in,,it also ask for the "Supervisor Password" . Of course I don't know the password..Could someone advise me? Thanks,,,
-- Patsy, MT (, March 27, 2001
When this happens, just exit out and reenter the forum. Now and then the server has a bad day.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, March 28, 2001.
Thanks Ken ,I had no clue .Its never happened to me.
-- Patty {NY State} (, March 28, 2001.
Thanks Ken,,,I will try that,,,:-)
-- Patsy, MT (, March 28, 2001.