land for sale (in TN, NC or VA?) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
land for sale in tennessee, nc. or virginia.
-- mr. & mrs. larrick (, March 27, 2001
Hi,Are you looking for land for sale? We are selling our homestead here in VA. E-mil me if interested. Good Luck, hope you find your land.
-- Bernice (, March 27, 2001.
you'll love Bernice's land,, I would love it ,, but the time frame is wrong for me,,,,,
-- stan (, March 27, 2001.
Hi are you looking to buy or sale? Let us know I live in TN and there is some great buys here. Gook luck.
-- Tracy in TN (, March 27, 2001.
Bernice, I e-mailed you about your land for sale but never heard anything. Would love to learn more about your place.Pauline NC
-- pauline (, March 29, 2001.