Auto Mechanics : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Would like some expert opinions on the condition of my car as the mechanic has desribed it. Told me to call a wrecker, as it appears unrepairable. I want to know what you all might think. 88 Dodge Omni -100k on the engine original miles and rebuilt transmission last year. Mechanic says that the frame is rusted out to the point that the motor is shifting and as a result the gear shift cable broke and the gear shift in stuck in 4th. They attribute this problem to having lived in a snowy climate and driving with salts on my car for several years and now it is too rusted out to repair. Has anyone seen this problem? Could I have done anything to prevent this from happening? Would there be any point in using my engine and transmission in another vehicle? Should I just give it away like that? DEE
-- Dee (, March 27, 2001
Dee, take your Mechanic's advice and call a wrecker, find a local salvage yard that deals in older cars they may give you a few bucks ($25 - $40) for it.Chrysler was not producing the best cars in the 80's so it has done well to last this long. With that many miles on it it probably has the Mitsubitsi 2.0 engine they were a little more reliable than the Chrysler engines.
I have worked in the Used Car Wholesale business for the last 17 years and have seen 1000's of cars go through our place and know many of the quirks of many makes of cars. If you are shopping for a new car I would be glad to give my opinion of the reliability of any cars you may be looking at. Value wise it would be hard to help you out because the market varys state to state and it is hard to give a $$$ figure on a car with out actualy laying eyes on it. GOOD LUCK!!!
-- Mark in NC Fla (, March 27, 2001.
Take Mark's advice, AFTER you check out what the 'sum of the parts' are worth. Often, but not always, a car is worth more in pieces, than it is whole (hence the term:chop shop)My son 'pieced' out a camaro and made $1000 more than it's book value. (ie: you have to know how to take it apart!)
-- Kathy (, March 27, 2001.