Second Message from Sandra (Faillace) - how to help : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

They also sent this:

>X-WebTV-Signature: 1 > ETAsAhQno4FdN1yD8VYrWUgY5ce0UlH7kgIUIEoZvof6UyAe4vbAqhr0EN5s+iI= >From: (Sandra Pooler) >Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 08:07:13 -0500 (EST) >To: >Subject: making a diffrence >Content-Disposition: Inline > > I WAS HAPPY TO GET YOUR EMAIL i was worring what was going on.. >I HAVE CONTACTED THE OPRAH SHOW THERE IS NO BETTER WAY TO GET THE TRUTH >OUT TO THE WORLD. If you are choosen all expences are paid by the > hope is to get alot of people to also request the Faillace >family be on the show to tell of this hurrific happening..IF YOU COULD >PASS THIS E MAIL ON TO YOUR LIST. AND EACH PERSON WOULD CONTACT THE >OPRAH SHOW AT OPRAH.COM. TO REQUEST THE FALLICE FAMILY BE ALLOWED TO >TELL THE TRUE STORY. AS >LARRY SAID ON THAT TERRIBLE DAY THIS IS NOT OVER YET. >YOUR ALWAYS IN MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS, SANDRA > >

-- Sue Diederich (, March 27, 2001


Please post the web address for the Oprah show.I would love to attend.

-- Patty {NY State} (, March 27, 2001.

I went to you can go to the left click the e-mail section to leave a message for the staff. I hope everyone will do this, so we can get the whole story. Thanks Joanne

-- Joanne (, March 27, 2001.

went to the site and sent a note to oprah , hope it helps.

-- Patty {NY State} (, March 27, 2001.

Thanks guys... See yet another post below, which is in response to an email I got from the forum this morning.....

Oprah's addy is:

Just go to the email section. I sent a note to her personal addy there as well as to her staff. I didn't include any of the info out on the web because if they do this, they should do their own investigation...

-- Sue Diederich (, March 27, 2001.

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