corn burning Furnace : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

looking for inrmation an corn burning furnaces. so far i can only find one manufacturer in the web. can any one help?

-- Stuart Lund (, March 25, 2001


most pellet stove can burn corn,, might need a larger blower or something,, but basiclly they are the same, from what Ive seen when I was comparing wood burners

-- stan (, March 25, 2001.


Go down to the bottom of the page under Older Messages and go to the category for Heat (Other). You should find your questions answered among the related threads there.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, March 25, 2001.

We carry the Snowflame brand of corn stoves. Corn stoves can burn pellets but most (I haven't seen one yet) pellet stoves can not burn corn. Corn burns much hotter than the pellets and will cause harm to the heat exchangers. Also a cornstoves auger is bigger than the pellet stoves. Please visit our website,

-- Lisa Davis (, April 28, 2001.

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