Over-the-Fence Chat for 3/25-3/31greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Winter is still here, doesn't want to leave. So those potatoes and onion sets are still waiting. There was one good day for planting but our tiller died. Maybe Tuesday this week. Hope your coming along with your garden plans. I didn make mozarella cheese and had my first mini-milking lesson. There's always housework to do:~! What are you up to? God Bless and take care.
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), March 25, 2001
still have 200 feet of snow,, received another 2 inches last night
-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), March 25, 2001.
Still 24 inches of snow on the ground. Hopefully no more this year. Going to start the furnance in the greenhouse tomorrow and start planting tomatoes and peppers seeds. Tilling will hopefully be the first week of May and planting around May 22.
-- David in NH (grayfoxfarm@mcttelecom.com), March 25, 2001.
Most of our snow is gone but the ground is still partially frozen and there's mud everywhere. Last night the temp dropped to 15 degrees. This week's forecast indicates we might get a couple of days in the 50's so I'm cautiously optimistic.We let a logger use an old road on our property to haul logs he cut on a neigbor's property, in return he left us all the tops and pieces he couldn't use. So, we've been chunking the wood and hauling it to the barn so it can be split. The 4WD unit (it's the actuator?- the thing that engages the hubs) went belly up on my truck so hubby's been working on that (neither one of us would ever be confused with a mechanic)and I have to order the part online today. My youngest daughter and I have been cleaning horse tack and getting things ready for the coming show season. I volunteer with the local 4H and that's been busy lately too. There is *alway* something to be done around here!
Stacy Rohan in Windsor, NY
-- Stacy Rohan (KincoraFarm@aol.com), March 25, 2001.
Two days ago the weather was in the 50's, as was yesterday. Planted beets and peas in my raised bed garden. Today I woke up to another 2 inches of snow on the ground. Sigh. My daughter from Norfolk,VA and her 3 year old son are excited about the snow though. They are here for a visit this week. I guess I need to se through the eyes of a 3 year old a little more. God knows what he's doing. Blessed day everyone!
-- Glory (mornglorfarm@ncconnect.net), March 25, 2001.
Got up this morning to a little snow on the ground-just a dusting. My Grandpa used to say that these late snows were good for the soil, that they had minerals in them. I don't know if that is true but I remember him every time it snows in spring. It is a mite chilly and soon we have to get ready for church. I will be starting the sweet pepper plants in about a week or two. It will be nice to feel some dirt again. Every night,at dusk, I sit here at the computer and watch a herd of deer come down the hill and graze as they meander north. The white tails bobbing in the fading light are so pretty. Have a good week everyone and God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), March 25, 2001.
Hi Everyone! Well, even though it's still a year away, I've started making plans for the big move from NY to MO. I've gotten some great suggestions from my forum friends. I know the time will fly, and I don't think I can over-prepare. I work every day this week, so I'm going to limit myself to making a few lists. I think I'll go from room to room, and decide what items I really can't bear to part with, and decide what to sell/give away. I may run to Home Depot this afternoon and pick up a bag of seed starting mix, and start my tomatoes. We're still 2 months away from planting much out in the garden, maybe peas and lettuce in a couple weeks. That's a big part of why I want to leave NY, darn near 6 months of winter here. Hope you all have a great week! Time to get ready for church.
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), March 25, 2001.
Hi Folks! Well, another beautiful day leading into another Blessed week. Lil Dumplin is off work this week so we could end up in Biloxie or somewhere else that's warm. Cool weather here yet but we know it's not really warm weather time just yet. Am axiously awaitin the time to start my garden. Will be plant'n seeds in next few days. I use old egg cartons for seed starter trays. I don't use the styrofoam but rather the pressed paper type. Works good and they're free! Ya'll have a most Blessed day today and let it continue all week long. Ole hoot-with dirt under my fingernails, gibson. Matt.24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 25, 2001.
We picked up two free almost 1 year old Toulouse geese this week. Also bought a jersey cow (due in May) and a 10 year old free Australian Shepard. We also got 25 Auraucana chicks too.We have been selling daffodils ($2/bunch of 8) and walnuts ($4/lb) and auraucana eggs ($2/doz) at my husbands work.
Rented a tractor yesterday and tilled an acre and a half for our market garden (flowers, fruits and veggies).
We have gone from Suburbanites last year to moving and building an honest to goodness real farm.
-- Amy Richards (amysgarden2@earthlink.net), March 25, 2001.
It seems wierd to hear people planting a garden already. Here in Wisconsin, the last couple of days, we didn't even see 20 degrees. I did however buy 3 rose bushes yesterday and walked thru the gardening section of Menards. I'm lucky if I can put my onions in the ground by the end of April.
-- Pat (mikulptrc@aol.com), March 25, 2001.
Hi Cindy, Still have about 5 inches of snow on the ground here in northern PA, and snow flurries today. Temp in the teens at night, but signs of spring are slowly showing. No hopes of planting a plow for a little while yet. Starting to think about seed trays, and have our seeds bought and counted!! Patience is the name of the game this year. All the best to you!
-- woodsbilly (coleenl@penn.com), March 25, 2001.
Hi Cindy well here in se. ks. its trying to dry up a little bit.today i tilled my big garden a little it was to wet but maybe that will help it dry out some. i do have some onions, radishes and lettuce planted in my kitchen garden. its raised bed. havent seen hide nor hair of the const. guy to build my summer kitchen and porch but thats ok i quit hurring and worring a long time ago. youall have a good week. Bob se. ks.
-- Bobco (bobco@hit.net), March 25, 2001.
Hi ,,,a couple days ago we had 60*degrees,,everyone busily working outside, including myself,,today it was 39* and rained all day in valley, snow in mountains. Will have to wait awhile to get more work done outside. Stan where do you live,???I don't want to go there, all that snow...Canada? ****Have to get some stuff organized in house so guess this is a good time,,,Take care all....life is precious...
-- Patsy, MT (cozyhollow-gal@care2.com), March 25, 2001.
Hi everyone, it has been a great day here today no snow, no rain, a little windy about 60 deg. Have been at a livestock sale all day today found some really good buys. More R.I. Red hens found them a new home at my farm we picked up 7 for 14 dollars I know the people that were selling so I know they are healthy. They have about 80 that they were selling his wife in allergic to the feathers so they had to go. It looks like this is going to be a pretty week so I am hoping that the garden will dry out enough to start planting some vegies. Hope everyone has a great week and good luck with the weather. God Bless.
-- Tracy in TN (emilyfarms@tsixroads.com), March 25, 2001.
Hi All...Well the garden is tilled and the onions, radishes, lettuce, beets, and carrots are planted..tomorrow the spinach...still waiting on the rest of my seed orders to come in. Spent 6 hours today hauling in wood for this coming winter. Never ends... So far my mini greenhouse on the backporch is doing just fine..The broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and peppers are doing real well...Have started some fig "twigs" that my neighbor so graciously provided.. The old man has closed his new shop in and starting on the roof, and chickens are laying real well.
-- Lynn(MO) (mscratch1@semo.net), March 25, 2001.
Gee, it's so nice to get back to the forum! (Sheepish, I'm glad you're back, BTW!) Last week passed in a whirl - I'm still not sure that I've managed to catch up with myself!Sis's Sweetie, Ryan, was home on leave from Ft. Hood, TX this past week - had to take him back to the airport yesterday; it was so hard to turn loose of him again! We're so proud of him, but now I can't bear to watch the news as he has a combat MOS and every little flash of anger around the world has me on Mom-Alert!! The kids are officially engaged - my Mama's diamond being passed down to another generation; I'm so pleased that the kids accepted it as I see so much of my Mama in my daughter. ( I didn't mention that it could be considered "recycling"!) They are planning a wedding for here on the farm June of 2002 - help!! What can I grow to have a nice green "yard" for the ceremony - wheat?! And flowers - aacckkk!! I'll need to plant flowers!! At least I have a year to plan!
The weather here has been uncooperative to garden - snow flurries yesterday and down to 15 last night. The well is low, so I have to take the laundry to town to wash today - I keep hoping that the mercury will edge up over freezing. Otherwise, I know that I will give in and just hang the sheets and blankets on the line and use the dryer for the rest. I've moved the baby chicks out of the basement to the shed, but haven't risked putting them in the chicken house yet - still a bit chilly out there for them.
According to the almanac, the 27th and 28th and then April 1st, 2nd and 5th are good days to start above ground plants so I will be starting my tomatoes and peppers and other things inside then. I had planned to get them going earlier this month, but Pop convinced me I was getting in a hurry so I waited - his fault if we don't have early tomatoes!! I'd also like to try to get in my onions and taters, plus some chard, spinach and maybe peas. Now if I could just remember where I saw those broccoli plants for sale..... Still haven't gotten my new beds (boards) moved out to the garden, and I am still argueing with the men about how to build my grape arbor - may have to get uppity and hire it done!! Unc and Pop and buddy Harold tore apart my tractor that I use in the berries and for tilling new ground - needs a throw out bearing and some other things - buddy Mike tells me that my tillers will fit the back of his tractor just fine if they don't get mine put back together in time. He has berries also and has been lusting after my split row tiller for several years! Hmmm - anyone else smell a "your equipment for my equipment" trade in the making here!? I'm taking his farm truck (grain truck) in to get inspected and paying for the license sticker in trade for using it to haul big loads of wood chips for the garden area and also some loads of very well decomposed sawdust and manure from the local sale barn. I have no current stock other than the chickens and a pet rabbit, so I'm not worried about dragging home any diseases; and what I brought home last year has sure made a difference in my heavy clay soil.
Well, time to bite the bullet and head in and do that laundry; so I can find time for a nap before heading in to work tonight. You all have a great week!!
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), March 26, 2001.
Good day all, I spent 3/4 of my day waiting in line, but it was worth it. You might have seen us on the news, I mean Billings, we had a wonderful visit from our President. Both of my kids, as well as myself were so excited to see our 43rd President "live" that the wait was well worth it. :o) We had wonderful seats straight across from him. It's so refreshing to have a President who isn't afraid to say a prayer, stand up for family values and just stand up to our Goverment and say, " Hey, this isn't right". I'm always proud of being an American but yesterday it was really coursing through my veins ! President Bush sure made it tough on our Sen. Max Baucus( Democrat), all fingers are pointing straight at him. Especially, since Sen. Baucus is on the Senate Finance Committee. President Bush out right told everyone to get their emails sent to him , asking him for his support on his tax cut issue. This morning we watched our President's plane take off for his next stop in Michigan. I'm still pumped up about seeing him. Well, I've got laundry waiting to be hung out on the line, and I've lost a day, but it was SOOOOOO........ worth it. Have a blessed week.
-- Kelle in MT. (kvent1729@aol.com), March 27, 2001.
Kellie I won't hang you out but I do have to ask you if you have ever been in another country or do you have any experience being able to be proud to be an american as opposed to another nationality. I am serious- not being sarcastic.We finally got our progect approved to renovate the house from the damge done during the earthquakes we had here 3 yrs. ago. ..... my computer at home will be visiting a friends house while we rip up the house. I can't get on this forum at work anymore - something is wrong with our provider - can't get on to any of "my" sites --- what a pain!!!
The garden is more or less seeded - salad and leeks are up. Fava bean plants are about a foot high - cherry blossoms everywhere.
Looks like our donkey is pregnant - yipee!! The first experience with the incubator went OK- we have 20 chicks. We have a batch of goose eggs in it now.
When I have a free moment at work I am working on a website for my friend who opened up a nursery/ greenhouse.
and that is all for now.
-- kelly (kellytree@hotmail.com), March 29, 2001.
The sun is shinning and no snow flakes ! What more can I ask for ? We still have about 2 feet of snow , the weather is warming to 50 by the weekend .Anyone want mud ? All the new babies are doing well .I am looking forward to Easter as we are going to be with family .We haven't seen them since Christmas .My Dr.s appointment got moved up so pray for me !The kids are all well for a change .Everything is looking up for spring .
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), March 29, 2001.
Well,here in southern Mo. we just mowed the lawn and are enjoying the daffodils and forsythia--lilacs with big fat buds which no doubt will get zapped in a late frost like every other year!! 'Least when we lived in MI they knew enough not to bud in March!! Hubby busy roto- vatting all the neighbors gardens..always glad to see more folks starting a garden. Hope they enjoy the rocks! DEE
-- Diana Smith (mutti66@hotmail.com), March 29, 2001.
Hey all, boy where does the time go these days? It has dried up alittle here so we got some onions and peas planted. The rain here is pretty iffy. I do hope it holds off so we can plant more. Cindy did you get your tiller fixed? We got 2 baby goats yesterday. It is nice and sunny today. The animals are loving it also. With spring here there seems like there is so much to get done. I don't get to get on here as often as I would like to. I sure do enjoy it here to read all the stories and questions. I learn so much. Thank you all. Take care. Sara
-- sara (tshoos@peoplepc.com), March 30, 2001.
Here in Pa. it has been raining for 2 days and they are calling for another 3 days of rain....the garden is tilled and planted with some onions....The 5 baby ducks are still in the kitchen, waiting for it to get warmer...they are growing so fast. The goats and sheep are staying in their house.....just too wet for them.....Hopefully, next week will be warmer....looking forward to planting flowers this spring.....
-- Jean Pose (tinatudo@aol.com), March 30, 2001.
Winter is definitely still here in the form of a new 6" snowfall. But the temps are in the 40's so it probably wont last long. Needless to say, we still can't get onto our garden because of the "SNUD". Just bought myself a new Hova-Bator incubator, can't wait to try it out on the 40 or so tiny bantam eggs I've been saving. First batch of baby goats due on Apr. 7th. Can't wait for that fresh milk again! There is definitely always housework to do, Cindy!
-- Marcia (HrMr@webtv.net), March 30, 2001.
Its %$#@*&%#@*&@ snowing again 8-10 inches tonight and its suppose to continue til Wds .I GIVE UP ! The weather won , i lost !!!!!!
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), March 30, 2001.
Whew!!!!Patty,,,try to stay calm,,Spring WILL get there. :-) I promise,,,,,Well, it is back to winter here too,,cold as heck in NW Montana,,rained all night and day,,fog, can't see the mountains, but yesterday I saw they were covered with more snow..which is great in the Mountains cause we need the moisture,,,Spring is still working it's way here, tulips are growing and other spring flowers, slow but sure,,,Last day of March,,looking forward to April and warmer temps..Meanwhile I am enjoying my acrylic painting. Just finishing up a spring picture,,looking forward...Take care all...
-- Patsy, MT (cozyhollow-gal@care2.com), March 31, 2001.
Spring will come, spring will come, spring will come. Yikes!!! Snow again???? I just want to be outside and feel the warmth of the sun on my shoulders again. God Bless all - don't forget to spring ahead. love-diane
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), March 31, 2001.