(Outrageous Claims Dept.) Are white males the most oppressed group in the civilized world? -- Part II

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

This is a continuation from the thread titled...

In school the class has to write an essay on the theme "If I were a white male."

This post repeats the last post from me in that thread. I forgot that I'd agreed to start a new thread as that one's gotten a little too burdensome to download.


My responses on your ACLU link...(if I missed something you feel is important, feel free to assert it and I'll be glad to take it up) [(per the Supreme Court), “…Before such an affirmative action remedy may be adopted there must be considerable evidence of continuing discrimination against the group receiving the affirmative action remedy.]

So, in other words, discrimination against individuals of one group to “remedy” previous discrimination against individuals of another group is perfectly fine. And, of course, as we all know, this policy is invoked only against white males. Thank you for showing us this official policy condoning discrimination.

Re the statistics...

Hmmm...I wonder why these "social scientists" never cared to find out what the differences were with respect to (immigrant) Finns vs. (immigrant) Italians vs. someone who’s never left Iowa. I guess all whites are assumed to be the same – interchangeable. If they have the same skin color – then of course they have to think alike, feel alike, discriminate alike, conspire alike, ARE alike. Well, if such assumptions aren't racist -- what are they?

In any case, assuming those statistics are true, AND represent racism, this is unfortunate. And, as I said before, I’m for any remedy that doesn’t punish innocent people.

-- Eve (eve_rebekah@yahoo.com), March 24, 2001

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