Post to different Rows in : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread |
Hi Eric, Can we submit a form with text fields of the same names ReferralName/ReferralEmail into different rows with each row containing the RefererName, a ReferralName and the corresponding ReferralEmail ?This is my form:
RefererName ReferralName ReferralEmail ReferralName ReferralEmail ReferralName ReferralEmail ReferralName ReferralEmail
Thanks. Regards, Simon
-- Anonymous, March 22, 2001
Simon,No. The field names are ambiguous.
-- Anonymous, March 23, 2001
What if I change the field names thus:RefererName
ReferralName1 ReferralEmail1
ReferralName2 ReferralEmail2
ReferralName3 ReferralEmail3
ReferralName4 ReferralEmail4
Or can you suggest a way submission to different rows be down ?
Thanks. Best regards, Simon
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2001
Simon,Using different text field names like you have shown (ReferralName1, ReferralEmail1, etc.) should work.
Good Luck,
-- Anonymous, March 24, 2001