Any Old Time Wildcatters out there? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Just wondering if any Old Time Wildcatters visited this forum. I'd like the opportunity to talk to one or more of you if your on here.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, March 21, 2001
Now that Ellie Mae, that was a wildcat. Ol' Jed, well he found the crude, but don't think he found it with methods anywhere close to wildcatting ones.I've been around a few oil rigs on the plains of Kansas, but never did work on any of them. I delivered fuel to them, and was allowed to watch as they did testing on my land and that of relatives. Roughnecks have their work down to an art and are very interesting to watch.
-- Notforprint (, March 22, 2001.
Is that what a wildcatter is? Always heard them referred to as roughnecks. Around here there are a differnt kind of wildcatters, Dang purple things everywhere.
-- MikeinKS (, March 22, 2001.
heheheh in the "old days" the men that took the risk and did a lot of the drilling themselves were referred to as "wildcatters" They even had an association up until 1988. I would like to talk to some of these daring individuals. I believe I would learn a lot and hear some really good stories.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (, March 23, 2001.