Something rather interesting(Countryside Related) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I may be the only one that didn't know this, but I accidently typed in part of the e-mail address- atilrthehony_1 on the yahoo search. And clicked on it. I was surprise to see a match page come up. It said 1 of 1, what's there is a question from the forum and partial answers, when I clicked on the first words and blue underline It took me to that question and answers on the forum. When I clicked on the blue stuff at the end I was taken to every response or question, approximately 360, that I've ever put on the forum. I tried a couple of other forum people's partial addresses and saw that one person has over 400 and another 80 responses, etc. I tried my husband and someone else's address and nothing came up, so I guess it has to do with greenspun. Interesting observation. Did you know you could do this?
-- Cindy (SE In) (, March 21, 2001
Okay, that is weird. But like we always say, this isn't private.
-- guess (, March 21, 2001.
when I was in the process of relocating to new hampshire a realator there informed me about how to find information on anyone via the internet. he said his older son added was a Harvard graduate, found this out. he went to google, then he typed in his name and there it was, any information on him on the internet he had either written or website he had done. So... being curious I tried it. I typed in google and my name, then found a few Countryside posts I made, theyw ere very outdated from over a yr ago. Then I tried my fathers name, guess what i found there? a site which listed his death notice and then his soicial security number. makes me wonder why there is so much talk about stolen identies such as that kid recently. Well... if stuff is listed that easily, especially on a dead person...... Makes it interesting... big brother is watching.
-- Bernice (, March 22, 2001.
The Social Security folks publish a death index listing everyone that has died (if the had a number).
-- Lynn Goltz (, March 22, 2001.
Boy, that Google works FAST! All my posts came up, 19 pages and more! Right away I saw the one "DO THESE PANTS MAKE MY BUTT LOOK BIG?' Oh, that's funny. How in the world does that thing work so fast? 0.11 seconds. That's what it said.
-- Cindy in Ky (, March 22, 2001.
I went to the goole site. 516 posts, took 12 seconds, only had 4 there, but you can click to see what they omitted, I stopped looking at 24 pages.
-- Cindy (SE In) (, March 22, 2001.
Weird - Creepy even!! Makes you wonder......
-- Greenthumbelina (, March 22, 2001.
I went to the google site, couldn't figure out what was going on and left and now the forum questions and stuff comes up in really big print. What happen? What did I do? How do I fix it? Also my emails won't print out like they used to, all I get is the blue and red printing and no message. I wanted to print out the emails about bee pollin for my daughter. HELP!!! I don't like this!!!
-- Betsy K (, March 22, 2001.
Betsy, on your browser, go to VIEW, TEXT, and check MEDIUM. Maybe somehow it got changed. Sometimes when the pages are hard to read, I make mine larger, and then put it back for surfing and such. If that dosen't help, restart your computer.
-- Cindy in Ky (, March 23, 2001.
I went to the google site and typed in Suzy in Bama and got a lot of things I'd posted on the COUNTRYSDIE and BACKWOODS HOME forums. Then I typed in my full name and it pulled up several articles of me that had been on the INternet for the newspaper I write for. This IS really weird!
-- Suzy in Bama (, March 24, 2001.