Land for sale in Eastern : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Our neighbor is selling 5 MOL acres. It is mostly leavel and a the top of a small rise. There is about an acre in trees (it was logged, and there is a lot of firewood on it). The property already has a good size foundation on it, power, and I've heard a very good well (artisian?). The property has almost sold twice but both fell through I think because the people wanted her to move her easement and have the property surveyed. The easement goes through a corner of the property, and I hope very, very much that this peice get surveyed, because we don't want a property line disagreement with a new neighbor. Our area is mostly large family owned farms. It is a nice area. I'm writing this because I would love to have a nieghbor to can with!, etc. I don't know a whole lot about the property, but would answer any q's as best I can. The listing agency is Century 21 and their number here is (509) 684-2121.
-- Kate (, March 20, 2001
Eastern Washington is a big area. Where precisely is this acreage? I'm a licensed land surveyor over in the Everett area. I agree that having the property surveyed is a valuable asset to any property. However, surveying is expensive now and most sellers don't want to pay the $3000 to $6000 it takes to get a good survey done, and most purchasers expect the seller to foot the bill for this. I guarantee, that the cost will be much greater when neighbors start taking each other to court. Tell your current neighbor that she should have the land surveyed by a licensed surveyor or at least get several estimates and reduce the selling price by an equivalent amount.
-- Skip Walton (, March 20, 2001.
Hi Kate,What county?
To prospective buyers: I would want to check out the water rights there, too. Right now a lot of attention is being paid to riparian considerations in light of the fact that there is a diminishing water supply (population increases, salmon regs, and a drought, to boot.)
We have property in E. Washington, too (which is an area larger than some states.) We had to check on our irrigation rights again this year. Our association still has their rights (going back a hundred years) and says we are covered. But if their rights get changed, we are out of luck.
Lots of areas in E. Washington are pretty arid. Also beautiful and a great place. But please check out the water situation too.
Good luck.
-- sheepish (WA) (, March 21, 2001.
This land is about 55 miles north of Spokane in Stevens county. It is between Colville and Chewelah near Addy. The property is for sale I think for $35,000. A year ago we looked into having two lines surveyed one of which boarders this peice and we were told it would be $1400 (we have a section pin to start from). I'm guessing it will cost her $3,000 to have all four of her lines surveyed. The property to the best of my knowledge has no water rights. It has a good well and thus far they don't charge for that. This area is in the mountains of eastern washington, and not what I'd call arid. My husband and I both like this area a lot. We are about 30 minutes from the columbia river, and there are plenty of places to ride horses and take walks near our home.
-- Kate (, March 21, 2001.
Hi Kate,I'll be one of your neighbors in a few months. We just bought some acres about a mile or two west of Mount Spokane. About 20 miles north of Spokane.
I guess we're pretty lucky since we have several springs and creeks on the property. My understanding is that lack of water in the area can be a real problem.
-- Paul Wheaton (, March 21, 2001.
Kate - We're neighbors! We live about 1/2 way between Colville & Addy. We're at 3000 ft elev. so our well was a problem, but the property next to us has a creek. Wish it were ours. Drop me a line if you want to converse.
-- Bonnie (, March 21, 2001.
I hope no one is foolish enough to buy it without a survey. I passed on a beautiful house w/3acres because there was no survey and the seller would not have one done. Imagine buying a box of anything that would cost the better part of your life's earnings without knowing its exact dimensions?!
-- snoozy (, March 22, 2001.