need to find a farm to rent or lease (western PA or MD or WV) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We need to find a farm to rent or lease in a cool, low humidity area. would buy as soon as we sell our present one. will need water, pasture,hay fields, barn and some type of housing. We would be bringing our animals. Western MD.-West virginia, and PA.(fayette, green) and if in PA., keep it close to the mountains. Will consider other areas.
-- lexi Green (, March 19, 2001
Before you move animals across state lines check with your local vet to see what testing and certifications may be required.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, March 20, 2001.
WV and PA are NOT low humidity areas.It is not unusual for it to be 80% + in humidity. Are there other reasons you are choosing this area? It gets hot in the summer as well, and with the humidity, can be downright unpleasant now and again.
-- Anne (, March 20, 2001.
I am in Northern Ny on the Canadain border , you would have low humidity here.That is one of the reasons we moved her .Humiditity gives me migraines , along with air pollution , excessive heat , and while I'm at it life I guess .Sorry to go on , you might want to look into an area a little more before you move .I guess those could be considered low humidity if you where moving from a coastal area.
-- Patty {NY State} (, March 20, 2001.
Oh, Patty, you're funny. I would sell you my farm Lexi, BUT I'm in Kentucky too. Arizona is dry, up in the mountains above Phoenix, it's beautiful up there, but very expensive! Seems you would have to go pretty far north to get out of the humidity here in the East, and then you have all that white stuff that won't go away!
-- Cindy in Ky (, March 20, 2001.
Lots of land with live water and low humidity here in Idaho - but it gets HOT if you're in the south half of the state.... Don't know about renting, but there's land for 2% down and 1% per month. The guy lets you work off 5% and you get the deed after he gets the first 10%... No interest... But, most don't have any buildings, either.
-- Sue Diederich (, March 20, 2001.
hi everyone, I listed western MD., PA.and Wva, as that was my address 1 1/2 years ago. We lived right in the corner, where all three states meet. The tempiture was vary cold, but heat/ humitity was not a problem. Our children talked us into moving here from our old farm. We can not buy the old one back, so a new one is in order. Ken, we have what you call a closed herd, and all our animals are raised with no chemicals. I would be more concerned about our cattle being near others. We also have goats, some are 19 and 20 years old. I could never part with them, they are my babies. And the Big list is DUCKS, I was here before looking for a place to sell. Which thanks to the great people here, I have at least found that.keep your eyes and ears open, just in case. I try to check in once a day.
-- lexi Green (, March 20, 2001.
Hi Lexi,Where did you live? I grew up in that area (at Hazelton, WV). Unfortunately the situation there is changing. With the construction of the three Federal prisons and the industrial park (isn't that an oxymoron?) at Hazelton the area is quickly losing it's rural feel. Land speculators (largely from Garrett Co., MD) are buying up farms for older folks and subdividing them for the yuppies from Morgantown. They are banking on land values going up with the "development". Unfortunately, this puts decent sized acreages out of most of our reaches. Still looking for my farm in Preston Co.
-- Vernon Deal (, April 20, 2001.