will be offline for awhile...we're moving! (to Indiana)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Welp, it all came up pretty suddenly, but we're movin to Indiana! Hubby got a great job offer, but the main reason is, they have excellent programs for my handicapped daughter. Can't hardly believe how this has all came together, God lays out his plans so clear, it still sometimes amazes me! We have family up there, so that will be nice, but I'm really going to miss the mountains and Tennessee. We're going to have to rent a house in town for awhile, yuck! It's going to be hard getting used to having neighbors just 6 feet beside us, especially after living on our mountain. I've become a hermit in the last 15 years! Do ya think I'll make a nice neighbor!? hee hee I wonder what the new neighbors will think when we carry in our shotguns! Hopefully it won't be long until we can buy a farm and I can get back to homesteading.
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), March 18, 2001
Annie! Congrtats to ya'll. Where bouts in Indiana? Ya'll'll have lots of company what with all the cs forum folks that lives' around bout you'rn new home. Why, I'm jest a little west of ya'lls in IL. Oh, BTW--- be keerfull a carein in that still! Nabors mite take a like'n to it and that "mountain dew"!!!! Matt.24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 18, 2001.
Well, here's an early welcome to Indiana! We're in the NE part. Although it wouldn't be my 1st choice as far as places to live, there's a lot to be said for Indiana. Jobs and land both available, decent growing season, and for the most part, people seem to have retained some semblance of decency and common sense. I wouldn't worry too much about your guns, most people I know have several. Indiana doesn't seem to have fallen off the deep-end of weapon paranoia. Hope your move goes well!Hoosiermom
-- Hoosiermom (hdnpines@hotmail.com), March 18, 2001.
How soon are you going? Do you have buyers for your farm yet? There for a while I was hoping we would be your neighbors in TN. We havn't sold ours yet, still waiting. We found a place up here we like allot, so it's just a wait and see thing. What town are you going to?
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), March 19, 2001.
Hoot, guessin we'll have to leave the ol still, hopin our old neighbors will take good care of it! hee hee Just kiddin!!! Hoosiermom, thanks for the welcome, I might be askin for some tips on Indiana growin season. Reckon it'll be just a little different. But I'm anxious to have some good, flat ground, for a change. Hey Cindy, hope you all get your property sold. Haven't put ours on the market yet, this has all come up pretty quickly. We're lookin at moving on Thursday! Dave's suppose to start his new job, next Monday! I never realized how much stuff I had, until I had to box it up. I got a real strong hankerin to just get rid of most of it! We'll be moving close to Wabash/Peru area. It's kinda in the north/east part of the State with alot of good farm land. I'm gonna miss the mountains, but hey, life's what you make of it (so I keep tellin myself!). We'll have to come back down after we get settled up there, to get the house ready for sale. Wish I had a double, so I could be in both places at the same time!
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), March 19, 2001.
Well Annie, Congrats on the new job and also the help with your daughter. God does sometimes just toss it all right out in front of you, huh? Like "MOVE...NOW." That's how it happened for me in my move here. Boy did I achieve high stress levels, though. It all worked out just fine!I have relatives near there, that's where my parents are from...maybe a tic more east, Larwill and Hoagland. It's really pretty around Larwill and wasn't built up the last time I was there.
I've been wonderin' how Jed's doing? Take care and God bless you and yours in your travels. You'll be missed here!
-- Doreen (animalwaitress@excite.com), March 19, 2001.
My goodness, Annie, that's quick! You sure do sound excited. We'll be saying some prayers for you all in your move. I used to pack houses for a living for 10 years, wish I was closer, I could pack your house in a day! (provided you had all the boxes and paper)
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), March 19, 2001.
I am so happy for you!!! Have a wonderful trip and please let us know how you are when you get settled! God bless.
-- Lesley (martchas@bellsouth.net), March 19, 2001.
I'll pray you get especially good neighbors, maybe even some countysiders!
-- Lena(NC) (breezex4@go.com), March 19, 2001.
First of all Congs to you Annie. Second-Hoot where in IL do you live? I am in Zion.
-- lisa (magpie@fsi.net), March 19, 2001.
Annie: Congrats on the new job and help for your daughter! Every place has good and bad, look for the good, and hope you find a new farm soon! Don't worry about the shotguns--it might scare away the bad neighbors, and the good ones won't care! Let us know how you are! Jan
-- Jan in CO (Janice12@aol.com), March 19, 2001.
Well congrats to you and your family! There are still some farm for sale, it's a little harder to find a home with a decent land space. Especially with so much subdivisions and strip malls going up faster as we speak. Indiana is a beautiful state and there are lots of nice small country towns to look into. And there are lot of Amish settlements (northern & south-eastern parts of the state). We live in Danville across from the beautiful golf course with lots of trees and as long you are in a rural (farm zone) area, you can have livestock as well. Of course, being rural with neighborly considerations, and a good backstop you can target practice your guns. Usually most country/rural folks have guns anyway. That's why you rarely ever hear any news reports about crimes being commited in the country, cause the criminals knows that the average farmer is usually armed with a shotgun anyway. Welcome to Indiana and hope we can be neighbors!
-- David Cripe (cripeland@aol.com), March 20, 2001.
Wouldn't it be great to find someone to trade farms with! You might put an add on Back Woods Home and see. You never know. We need someone to make a website for Farm Exchange.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), March 20, 2001.
Thanks to all the Hoosiers for the welcome! Real nice of you all! Hey Cindy, I just got the kitchen and some odds and ends left to pack. I wish we were closer too, I could have used some tips on getting it done quicker! I never thought I had sooooo much stuff. That's a great idea about starting a place for trading farms. (Wish we were moving to Ky., then we could do that). I'm hoping that whoever buys our place will love it just as much as we have. I'm really anxious to get on the road, every time I turn around I'm crying over something! Even just looking at the trees, it seems like I know every inch of dirt up here. Silly, huh? So many memories. Gonna have the computer shut off late tonight or tomorrow morning. Gotta have my countryside forum till the last minute!!!
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), March 20, 2001.
It's not silly, Anne. Make sure the computer is the first thing you hook up in the new place! Do you want me to stand on the side of I- 65 and wave as you go by?! You'll probably go right thru Elizabethtown, shotguns hanging out the windows! You'll be easy to spot with that chicken cage on top of the car!
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), March 20, 2001.
Hey Cindy, I'll be lookin for ya!!! Heck, I'll have Jed and Ellie with me, all I need to do is set me up a rockin chair to put in the pick-up truck we'll be towin! Yeeeeeeehawwww, here we come.......
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), March 20, 2001.
Ahh! Indiana, land of taxes and humidity. Welcome!
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), March 20, 2001.
Welcome! We're glad to have ya. Let me know if we can help w/ anything. John
-- John in S. IN (jsmengel@hotmail.com), March 21, 2001.