Say What? Say Who? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Who is whom around here?

-- morph (, March 18, 2001



-- (, March 18, 2001.

You a bunghole.

-- (dats who @ you. is), March 18, 2001.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together I am the eggman, oh they are the eggmen, oh I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob

-- (I'm a@little.teapot), March 18, 2001.

Only Zoobie says goo goo ga joob. I told you once, it's coo coo ca choo, Zoob

-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), March 18, 2001.

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!

-- (Weeble@wee.ble), March 18, 2001.

Clones (We're All) - Alice Cooper

I'm a clone
I know it and I'm fine
I'm one and more are on the way
I'm two, doctor
Three's on the line
He'll take incubation another day
I'm all alone, so are we all
We're all clones
All are one and one are all
All are one and one are all
We destroyed the government
We're destroying time
No more problems on the way
I'm through doctor
We don't need your kind
The other ones
Ugly ones
Stupid boys
Wrong ones
I'm all alone, so are we all
We're all clones
All are one and one are all
All are one and one are all
Six is having problems
Adjusting to his clone status
Have to put him on a shelf
All day long we hear him crying so loud
I just wanna be myself
I just wanna be myself
I just wanna be myself
Be myself
Be myself
I'm all alone, so are we all
We destroyed the government
We're destroyed time
No more problems on the way
I'm through doctor
We don't need your kind
The other ones
Ugly ones
Stupid boys
Wrong ones
I'm all alone, so are we all
We're all clones
All are one and one are all
All are one and one are all
I'm all alone, so are we all
We're all clones
All are one and one are all
All are one and one are all

-- All are one and (one@are.all), March 18, 2001.

I is who I is, and you is who you is, we all is who we all is.

-- jammy (jammin@with.jammy), March 18, 2001.

I yam who I yam

-- (popeye@olive's.oyl), March 18, 2001.

You a bunghole.

-- (dats who @ you. is), March 18, 2001.

Hmmm.... "bunghole" was one of "DIetERs" favorite sayings!!

-- morphed (, March 18, 2001.

Only Zoobie says goo goo ga joob. I told you once, it's coo coo ca choo, Zoob

-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), March 18, 2001.

Wrong! Craig at ccnet always said goo goo ga joob too.

-- Uncle Deedah (, March 18, 2001.

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