Nero 5.5 upgrade to be released at March 22. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

From the Nero-site (

"Nero 5.5 will be released on the 22 of March 2001. All users who purchased Nero 5.0 or received the OEM version bundled with their CD-RW, will be entitled to a free webupdate to Nero 5.5. Users of Nero 4.0 and those who received a free upgrade to Nero 5.0 can purchase an upgrade version to Nero 5.5 at reduced prices over our webshop."

Friendly greetings, Eppo R. Kooi.

-- Eppo R. Kooi (E.R.Kooi@XS4all.NL), March 18, 2001


Nero 5.5 is already available for download... it cane out about 2 or 3 days ago...kinda cool..they made a lot of improvements..wait till you see the VCD and SVCD iso's...they make it easier to add a menu system...later all Koolmist

-- Koolmist (, May 15, 2001.

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