Homestead in VA for sale, anyone interested? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Good Morning,I don't want to provide all the deatails here as I don't want to use this forum to advertize. However, we recently found a lovely piece of property in Arkansas and would like to sell our homestead here. It perfect for anyone who is seeking the homesteading lifestyle, nice and secluded. Please e-mail me if interested. Thanks. I hope I didn't offend anyone by posting here, just thought that someone might be interested.
-- Bernice (, March 17, 2001
I would be interested in finding out more about your homestead for sale. We now homestead in upstate Pa and are seriously thinking of moving south in the next few years. Please give us all of the imformation that we would need to know....all the real estate stuff. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank You !!
-- Helena Di Maio (, March 22, 2001.
Hi,I will give you the information this weekend, just got home from class, its a 2 hr drive home and its late here so I will post tomorrow night to you or saturday. sorry about the delay. I'll e- mail you soon. thanks.
-- Bernice (, March 22, 2001.
Interested in the homestead you have for sale in virginia could you send us the imformation or call at 304-487-3368 Thank you
-- Tim and Pearl Sloan (, March 25, 2001.
Hey Bernie, I posted our homestead for sale over on Back Woods Home. Since we allready found a farm we have a contract on to buy, we would like to sell ours a soon as possible too. Spring is here! I did not know you were looking to move at all! I didn't see this post before. Arkansas, wow. What a suprise, everybody is moving! I think we need a monthly thread for our homesteads for sale. Private ones, no real-estate ads. Since allot of homesteaders are re- locating like Annie, it would be helpful.
-- Cindy in Ky (, March 26, 2001.