Where to in this sport culture

greenspun.com : LUSENET : What keeps you up at night? : One Thread

I am a choreographer and direct and run my own company Liquid Skin. We want to find sponsors for our work which is in the contemporary dance/theatre field. we need help in the marketing arena. Marketing is the most important means of getting our work to audiences. What do you think is the best avenue to follow to find someone able to help us?

-- Rochelle Carmichael (liquidskinau@yahoo.com), March 16, 2001


One avenue is to hook up with a business school. They often seek community-based projects for classes. The students take on the project as consultants. It's a great way to get solid direction on a specific issue when you probably don't need a full-time marketing person.

-- Rebecca Joffrey (rebecca.joffrey@thelookout.net), March 16, 2001.

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