Grain Gardening, Seed : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Looking for a source of grain to try in Garden. Would like find a line on getting 50 lbs or less for some test plots ofMilo Sorghum Spring Barley Spring Rye
Had fun with wheat in the garden last year. Now want to try some others.
-- Mike Brewer (, March 15, 2001
The Greenbush Supply Company that I gave under the "How Do I Grow Wheat" thread in the archive under "Gardening General" will sell you milo and barley seed. Not sure about the rye. Depending where you are at, the barley needs to be gotten into the ground pretty quickly. I'm in zone 6.
-- Notforprint (, March 15, 2001.
Haven't checked to see if they sell in such quantities as you need, but "Bountiful Gardens" has most every grain you can think of, good prices and all OP and untreated
-- Sue Diederich (, March 15, 2001.
Try Shumways. They have a pretty good selection of grains.
-- Clare Baldwin (, March 17, 2001.
Try Shumways. They have a pretty good selection of grains. I know they have rye and buckwheat.
-- Clare Baldwin (, March 17, 2001.
I have used Albert Lea Seed House before. Prices are reasonable, and they will sell in small quantities.
-- Leo (, March 17, 2001.