Any other teams with a female team member? : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread

Going through the list of teams, and looking at the websites, I dont see any other teams with a female team member. Are we the only ones?

-- John Conley The Wrecking Crew (, March 14, 2001


We don't have one...We couldn't find any Ohio women up to the challenge..

I think Ron's team members are cross-dressers though...

***Dan runs for cover!***

-- Dan Denney (, March 14, 2001.

Cross dressers yes, but they sure make it look classy!

Ron what type of heels are appropriate for scavenging the junkyard after Easter? Can you still wear white? So many questions and so little guidance. Maybe Ron should start the JYW fashion police.

***Mike is hiding with Dan***

Michael Blizzard Toxic Avengers

-- Michael Blizzard (, March 15, 2001.

The only reason you bastards keep teasing us is because you find us so hot. We have an unedited version that is much hotter!!!!

To answer your question, a two inch pump should be the max, anything more an you are wobbling all over the place losing valuable time. Another note that you might want to consider is an elastic skirt. It really gave me freedom of movement for bending and stretching. The last thing is the hair. The next time, could be in California, I will not wear the beaded hair (I am the one in the middle) it flopped around to much when we were running from the police after the shoot.

If you need any further advice do not hesitate to ask. If your concerns are more private you can contact me ofline and I will counsel you.

I do not know if you want to call us female, just LADIES!!

Ron Lesseraux Team Mr. Fixit

P.S. I hope our little stunt makes RDF remember the video at selection time.

-- Ron Lesseraux (, March 15, 2001.

We've got two women on our team! Our lineup consists of my father, Sam Hicks, my sister Anna, and myself (Jakey, oldest daughter). I noticed a few other names on the teams list that could be either male or female....

-- Jakey Hicks, the Rubble Rousers (, March 15, 2001.

We tried to get a female co-worker to join our team, but she declined. I think I heard that she is currently 3 months pregnant, so I think that influenced her decision.

-- JC (, March 18, 2001.

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