Are there rural realty web : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm looking for work in the southwest (engineering or machining) and I've looked up, but can hardly find listings for rural property. Is there a web site for such things?
-- Bob Frohmader (, March 14, 2001 is better than, there's too. Just use the search engines, and type in the State name you want to move to like-Arizona Real Estate-and allot of things will come up. Also read the City papers online too, and the always has allot of real estate.
-- Cindy in Ky (, March 14, 2001. list rural properities, by state, in most of the US.
-- David in NH (, March 14, 2001.
Bob - just do a search on "rural property" and you'll be amazed at what you come up with.
-- Dianne (, March 14, 2001.
Thanks for all your help. I'll check these out!Bob
-- Bob Frohmader (, March 14, 2001.
We found our realtor through United Country. I just found out our tiny rural office up here in Modoc County (CA) ranked 13th in the nation in United Country sales! They didn't keep their local website updated very well but we connected with the realtor and she did a great job helping us find our property once we started visiting the area. NOTHING beats actually getting out and looking around and talking to people in an area you're interested in (but you know that already, I bet!)
-- Elizabeth (, March 15, 2001.
One word of caution: I went to United Realty - and they have listings for all over the country. I asked for some information on two pieces of land. I got at least two letters per day for about six months. It might be better to just order the catalog!!! ( I have always LOVED their catalog!!!)
-- Sue Diederich (, March 15, 2001.
Depending on where you're looking, is a good site (northern ME)...
-- Betsy in NY (, March 19, 2001.