washing machine motorsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi all, I'm back for a while with a question. Anybody know how to figure out the wireing for newer washing machine motors? Got a couple from a guy that got them off the washers, he swears they run but doesn't know how to hook them up. Unlike the old wringer washer motors, these have several terminals to choose from. They are made by Emerson. I checked thier web site and it was less than helpful. Thanks for any help. Les.
-- Les Vaughn (lvaughn@suntransformer.com), March 12, 2001
try here http://www.repairclinic.com/
-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), March 12, 2001.
Find the wireing diagram off at least one washer that uses them.If i recall washing machine motors generally turn either direction so you may have some leeway as to wireing.(don't take that as gospel)If you can open the case of the motor you may find a wiring diagram in there.also look at the end plate there may be a diagram there.look for old washers beside the quieter country roads in your area.Your motors MAY be wound for 240 and 120 operation. so you may be able to experiment with 120 (don't mess with 220 to experiment) hook up power to the likly leads and see if she spins.if you are careful the worst you might do is burn the motor and blow a breaker.
-- greg (gsmith@tricountyi.net), March 13, 2001.
Les - try typing "appliance repair" or "appliance parts" or the like into a seach engine. You will find a good number of sites put up by parts sellers and repair outfits. They have diagnostic charts, parts catalogs with pictures, and so on. A couple of these also have forums where you can ask the expert a question. There you may get a specific answer to your question. Good luck.
-- Bob in Ohio (robertblessum@netscape.net), March 13, 2001.
If you have an ohm meter, and assuming that the motor is hooked up to the switch box, you can measure between different contacts on the switch box attached to the back of the motor (By the way, if there is no switch box, the small, black box with about twelve or so contacts on it, you can't start the motor automatically. Instead, you would need to spin the motor as you turn it on.) If you measure a few ohms of so between contacts, it's probably safe to hook up power there. There will be at least two such sets of contacts, a start/low winding and a main winding. On high, power is applied to the contacts tied to the start winding, then when the motor gets up to speed, the switch box automatically switches power to the main winding. If the wires that come out of the windings and go to the switch box are unplugged, you'd better hope you have a wiring diagram, also, the contacts on the switch box may be color-coded.
-- Chris Fredin (Fredin@mcn.net), May 16, 2001.