vcd question : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

How do you compare original vcd to DVD rip to vcd that have original cover and silver back. Did full circle make vcd? I just bought the killer from and I think that it's DVD rip because it's dubbed in English and have yellow english subtitles. There's also writing on the cover DVD Video Cd. If theres a writing like that is that pirated movie?

-- Kenny.K (, March 11, 2001


Definitely it's pirated. If the cover is written DVD Video-cd it's not original. To check if the VCD is original, check behind the cover . There is a vertical sticker bearing the Censorboard logo. That's means this particular VCD is license copy. I came across a site and it's look like original copy only.

-- Kevin Chan (, November 06, 2001.

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