bee culture magazine give away : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

ok,, I got up early ,, grabbed my australian cowboy hat,, (I like that one),, and drew a name,, -- Barb (, . Barb , email me with your address,, Ill get them together and out this week,, CONGRATS. Hope when your done,, you can pass them on also

-- Stan (, March 10, 2001


Wadda ya know!! Thanks Stan - I was just getting my bee order together last night and dreaming of those beautiful little buzzers. Now I feel lucky, like this might be my year for a bumper crop. Sorry to all my fellow competitors who didn't win the drawing, but I'll be sure to pass the mags on to one of you good Countryside folk when through. Happy beekeeping to all!!

-- Barb (, March 11, 2001.

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