Capn -------The BOMB.......Hey spring flingers, check it out. : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Capn emailed me a GREAT hotel choice. Not pricey, right across street from the ocean and since Hugo took out the other hotel, we have a great view:-)

It is family owned the owner is sweet man.

Capn: perhaps you would opt to privately email those interested the site, just to avoid the evil anon's from starting crap?

Your call.

AB: I will call ya later.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 06, 2001


PS the owner said the airport is only a few moments away.

I will be driving and arriving sometime on the 2nd. If anyone needs ride from airport, I can and will be happy to pick up the evening of the 2nd and beyond.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 06, 2001.

Ah,didn't know the place across the street wasn't there,that do makes a difference.Cool.Thanks Sumer.

Anyone wanting to get on board better shake a leg,the train is approaching the station.

-- capnfun (, March 06, 2001.

Send me details. I'll attend, but I don't know yet where I'll be staying.

-- Flint (, March 06, 2001.

whatsa matta flint, can't stay amongst the savages?

-- (cin@cin.cin), March 06, 2001.


Sure, if I need to. But we have relatives in Myrtle Beach we can probably stay with. If so, it's cheaper for us.

-- Flint (, March 06, 2001.

The BOMB??

Sumer, aren't you a bit old to be talking like a 14 year-old?

-- (sheesh@get.a.grip), March 06, 2001.

A person is only as old as they feel, thank you:-)

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), March 07, 2001.

And hell,I might be ready to go off at any time.

-- capnfun (, March 07, 2001.

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