The Mighty Jax Beach Giants..... : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

are 0-1 after last night. Lost our opener to the Pirates 6-5. My boy had about his worst game ever!! Struck out the 1st 6 he faced, then totally lost it. Got a couple 'questionable' calls behind the plate and he started showin' his ass.......Gave up 3 runs in the 3rd, 2 more in the 4th, then he got pulled. He was pissed enough to knock one outa the park (solo) in the 5th, but it was too little, too late.

We told'em after the game, hey - ya walk out here with BIG HEADS THINKING YOU'RE ALL THAT and got your fannies handed to you (and part of that was the coach's fault.....). We've got 17 more games and it's already time to forget about this one.

And man was it COLD!!!! 40 degrees with a 20 MPH wind blowin'!


-- Deano (, March 06, 2001


Damn Deano. In my 3-team parlay bet last night I had taken the Utah Jazz, the Milwaukee Bucks and the Mighty Jax Beach Giants. The Jazz and Bucks won but unfortunately your Giants cost me a big payday. Please see to it that the young-uns are forced to take an extra lap at the end of the next practice just for me.

On the bright side, at least you've got that "overconfidence" thing outta the way for this season.

-- CD (, March 06, 2001.


LOL!! Needed a laugh, thankyouverymuch!!

They boys were VERY OVERCONFIDENT last night. Chances are pretty good it won't happen again. They have until Friday to 'get over it'.


-- Deano (, March 06, 2001.

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