Sand Hill Cranes are HERE!!!!!! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Some of you may remember a past post of mine about the Sand Hill Cranes. Well, they're here a week early. Does that mean spring is too???? I hope, I hope, I hope!! LOL! I know I'm silly, but it has been a long winter. Also, our neighbor has starting tapping the maple trees!!!! Get those seed catalogs out, folks!! God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (, March 04, 2001
Ardie, is spring here? Maybe in Wisconsin, but I'm looking out my window at more & more @#&% snow falling! I know, you're just wishful thinking! Spring just has to come sometime, right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . right????
-- Michael W. Smith in North-West Pennsylvania (, March 04, 2001.
Ardie, Saw some robins yesterday and just knew spring had to be breaking! in N Central PA we are being hit with a nasty snow storm, roads being closed due to stranded vehicles setting on the roads, and snow flakes falling the size of pancakes! Seed catalogs my foot! Bring on the front end loaders! All the best to you, Woodsbilly.
-- woodsbilly (, March 04, 2001.
I'd gloat a bit, but in Indiana, we have had blizzards in mMarch. But the Spring peepers are singing to their lady loves, and my Surprise lillies are coming up!
-- Leann Banta (, March 04, 2001.
Ardie, you must be in a balmy southern portion of the state. There's over a foot of snow on the ground here, and more is coming down. The wind sure doesn't feel like it's got any 'thaw' in it either, despite the fact that some chickadee was singing a spring song the other day. I think they're confused.
-- julie f. (, March 04, 2001.
I know...I know! Just got a little nuts there! Seriously, I remember a blizzard on March 20 that all but shut down Green Bay about 30 years ago.My father had died on the 18th and people from the country couldn't get into town, so the wake and funeral had to be rescheduled. But, we can hope. I know that the Northeast is getting blasted and I pray everyone will be all right. Watch, a baby will decide to be born right in the middle of that mess!
-- Ardie (, March 04, 2001.
Well, I have crucus blooms in the front yard, and I've been hearing frogs, so I guess we're close. The snow today wasn't so encouraging, though. I'm ready for spring!
-- Connie (, March 04, 2001.
Yesterday, geese were still commin by in staggered groups. One poor goose lost her mate I quess, she was flying in circles alone and couldn't make up her mind to go ahead or not. She kept commin back. She was flyin so low. I hope she found him, poor thing. She finially took off to the north.There are bulbs up 6 inches in the yard, and the REDBUDS are budding purple, just started Saturday! We got rain all day Sunday.
-- Cindy in Ky (, March 05, 2001.
Thought of you last Friday. Was going in to work about 11am and saw 30 -40 cranes in a cornfield. Stopped and got the glasses out from under the seat to watch them. I was only a few minutes late!!! Those are the only ones I've seen on the ground this year. I may take DogBoy and go to the refuge today or tomorrow. THINK SPRING!!!!!
-- John in S. IN (, March 05, 2001.
Oh... I hope its Spring somewhere in this country!!! It seemed like it here... started seeing robins about a week or so ago. Songbirds back, too. Then it snowed every morning for a week. Now, its in the 50's, but I don't dare get my hopes up. Haven't heard the birds all day.... OH SPRING.... PLEASE HURRY!!!!
-- Sue Diederich (, March 05, 2001.
Monday and today is now burrrrrrr COLD. Like 5 with the wind chill. Hope the rest of the goats wait a few days to kid. Supposed to be in the 30's today, but at least it isn't snowing. Keep warm you all.
-- Cindy in Ky (, March 06, 2001.
It is snowing out today, very gently, but the snow on the ground is still at least a foot deep, maybe more like 18 inches if I'd scramble over the snowbanks to measure it...yesterday was sunny and warm...altho today doesn't feel bad out either.The thrill was going out to fill the bird feeders in the yard and hearing the distinctive whistle of mourning dove wings! I love mourning doves, beautiful, gentle, beneficial birds that I have wanted at my feeders and around my house for years. I hope he/she will stay, and bring friends.
-- julie f. (, March 10, 2001.
Hi Ardie,,here in my part of Montana,( N.Western),it is definitly showing signs of Spring!!!,,however, we have lots of snow on the ground still. It has been here since November, 2000,,the birds are singing there spring songs, and building nest, the air is warmer and seems to be staying that way (lately). We got a lot of rain friday (instead of snow) good sign. I was looking for some spring flowers, but because of the snow I can't find any, but, hang in there,,spring will be here in it's full splendor real soon,,than, it's full speed ahead! getting into them gardens and flower beds,,Have a great Sunday,,,
-- Patsy (, March 11, 2001.
The Johnny Jump Ups (wild ones) are up and flowering in the garden. The bulbs are about 8 inches high on the first flowers to come. My Lilac bush is budding. Any minute the Redbuds will be all over the place. We saw a Robin yesterday. We are going to have at least of week of good warm weather, 50's and 60's with nothing lower that 38. I still can hardly believe it's March.Any of you sick of the freezing cold up there come down here and buy my farm. Organic garden allready there! We found the place we want to buy. Our realtor is making a contract on it for us, hope all goes well. But we still need to sell this one. The house on the place is an old mobile with an add on but it can be remodled. It has 1/2 mile of woods down the back, we're going to go walk it today, it's going to be real warm. You all have fun today!
-- Cindy in Ky (, March 11, 2001.
We heard about your cranes on a NPR broadcast and will be coming to visit next Wednesday. Spring break has given me some freedom from students and I'm heading north while they're all heading south. I certainly hope I get to see those big, loud pigeons of yours. Since my Dad passed away last week and always told us about the Sand Hills I think I should come see them for him.
-- Michaela Kornblum (, March 22, 2002.