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Isn't it wonderful how God made the rain to be so comforting at times. Just a nice gentle rain, it's warm enough to have the door open a little and with the wood burning in the stove, ahhh!Yesterday we worked at our future place, I pruned some of the herb beds, we cut and stacked wood and I did my workout, even did the dishes last night, finished reading a series of books, so I earned a nice day of rest.
Have a nice relaxing day and God Bless.:~}
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), March 04, 2001
Can't do much more than stand here and smile at my ol' tractor, an inch or two of snow on the ground and many more predicted for tonight and tomorrow. Oh, the momories of sitting out on the jetties at Galveston, Tx and splashing our feet in the gulf, watching the steam ships rising on the horizon to the port of call. Oh well, we love summers here in the mountains, and we have our seed boughten for the garden, C'MON SUMMER!
-- woodsbilly (coleenl@penn.com), March 04, 2001.
Well the wind is howling, the rain has finally stopped and the temps are supposed to drop tonight. I wanted to work in my garden this weekend, but we had torrents of rain for the past two days, so will have to wait awhile longer. I have been cleaning up my office today as it is too wet outside to do anything. It's amazing, all those little scraps of paper that I once thought were important are now getting tossed! Hope all are well and those who are getting the remnants of our storm here in the form of snow will fare well.
-- Cindy (colawson@mindspring.com), March 04, 2001.
No rain here yet but weatherman says rain turn'n to snow Monday am. Sure feels rainy tho. Worked around the house yesterday and am still kinda rest'n up from that. Threw back in the ends of the boards that didn't burn, this morning, and lett'n'm burn out. Lil Dumplin and I will go to town today rekon. She'll leave me again tomorry and I'll be all alone for the better part of next week cept'n ole Calvin the cat. [Calvin is her female cat that's been put in neutral] Oh well-- somebody has to keep the home fires a burn'n. Everybody enjoy this day of rest and thank God for the life He has allowed us to live--- especially those that live in the country! Matt.24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), March 04, 2001.
Today my Sweetie is attempting to install a stove hood. He wants to check the wall for studs,right. Well, this is a 100 year old house and that wall is part of the original structure. Facinating, what the people used in those days. So far there aren't any logs, but he isn't sure just what he is going to find. There is some old wallpaper that once was so pretty. After nearly nine years in this house, nothing surprises me, not even the ghosts!
-- Ardie froM WI (a6203@hotmail.com), March 04, 2001.
I am sooo glad to be back online. I had some computer problems and hopefully all is back to normal. I was beginning to have withdrawals from not being able to check out the forum. We just put the plastic on our greenhouse. My husband was sooo nice to build it for me. I can't wait to start seeds. If anyone has any tips on starting seeds in a greenhouse I could always use them. Thanks in advance. Have a great day. sara
-- sara (tshoos@peoplepc.com), March 05, 2001.
Good Morning all, Here in Vernal Ut. it is supposed to get to 56. My two year old is going out today!! He and the puppy are under foot most of the time but today is a day of freedom. Thanks, L-rd Norma
-- norma russell (russells@basinonline.com), March 06, 2001.
Hi, woke up to a couple inches of snow,bummer,anyway put the kids on the bus and went back to bed for a little while ,then back to the same routine of barn chores and laundry. I do feel better knowing spring can't be too far off. God Bless
-- julie (nelson3@bright.net), March 06, 2001.
Why, oh why do I get this way every year?! A little bit of sunshine, a few warm days and BAM!! I'm in earth mother mode! I want to plant, I want to see green, I want to wear my summer dresses, I want to get out my Birky sandles, I want to nurture!! Well, that got bit in the butt this morning when I went out to do the chores: 20 degrees with a wind bringing it down to about 2 degrees WC factor. Guess the moths can stay nice and cozy in my sleeveless tops for a few more weeks!I spent some time playing with the baby chicks (poop-machines, says Hubby) this morning. Cleaned their box and moved their light up a bit to lower the temp. Buddy Mike from work, his kids were ordering chicks for 4-H, so I had them order me a dozen girls. My only specs were: all girls and all brown egg layers, so we now have 3 white rocks, 3 buff rocks, 3 barred rocks and 3 Rhode Island reds running amok in a dryer box in the basement. Poor Hazard (the hound from hell) doesn't quite know what to make of them; he looks in the box and whines at them - which causes them to go spazmo, which scares ol' Haz, which makes him run into the family room to try to sit on my lap - all 95 lbs of him! They've gotten used to the dryer buzzer and now come running when they hear my voice - guess they know it means "snack time". I've been feeding them chick starter and bits of lettuce and spinach, Pop has been giving them oatmeal and crumbled hard cooked egg yolks and Sis has been feeding them junk food. Hubby has been sitting in his chair trying to remember why he ever thought it was a good idea to marry into this household!
Going to send Hubby for the boards for my next set of raised beds tonight or tomorrow - might be able to talk my buddy Jon into helping me nail 'em together before the weekend. I have decided to try the tomato ring idea from last week, but plan to bend hog panels (4 x 16) into a circle for my cages - I've given up on talking Hubby into worm beds - THIS year, anyway; so I'm ready to use all my gathered materials in the tomato rings - along with some manure that I've got located. We'll see if 2 cages is enough for canning and fresh use. I'll have a few spares in the main garden in case. Wonder if I could toss my old hens in the cages with my compostable and let them work the soil for me?
Deliberating on whether to put up my greenhouse or not - it's been lying back behind the shed for a few years now. Seems like an awful lot of work when the hoop covers for the raised beds are so easy to make and move. The greenhouse where I used to work before I went into nursing has an ad in the paper wanting part-time transplanters - I'm half inclined to go in and apply just to stand in the middle of all that oxygen and green. I could pretend it really was spring!
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), March 06, 2001.
Hi,,it is beginning to look a little like spring here in Montana also. The birds are singing "spring" songs, making nest and the snow is melting,,I have some patches of grass now that look strange after 5 months of snow on the ground,,My dogs are loving it though. The cat shys away from them, he don't trust those dark spots on the ground,,haha...:-) ,just teasing, I see some of you folds definitely have spring fever,,it hasn't hit me yet,,90% of the ground is still covered with snow here, and the air is warmer but still only 40s in my area. That is warm for us, I go around without coat,,I have been looking for some spring flowers but haven't found any yet. :-( too much snow I guess. We get early Crocus and Tulips usually this time of month.***I had a nice day, inside and out. Went to do some clothes shopping for my grown son,,he's too busy,,(so he says)..than spent the rest of my Saturday home getting a few things done. I am getting ready to move,,a big job,,but not urgent about it yet. Just packing a few things.***I have some new plants started in my window sill. I propagate African Violets and other plants as well. Didn't start any veggies,,but will get a few plants after I move. Quick growing ones,,:-) Catch you later,,,Have a great Sunday and hope it is filled with the Peace that comes from God,,,
-- Patsy (cozyhollow-gal@care2.com), March 11, 2001.