Volg hier de laatste ontwikkelingen in de reiswereld, die ook voor je werkgever of collega's belangrijk kunnen zijn

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Reiswijs... : One Thread

Reizigers met bestemming Amerika lopen een grote kans het slachtoffer te worden van de stakingen die de afgelopen weken zijn aangekondigd.Amerikaanse reisburo's adviseren hun klanten NIET met e-tickets te reizen om eventuele schade tot een minimum te bepreken. Een papieren ticket is een officieel contract waarop u kun terug vallen. Bij e-tickets ligt dit heel anders.

U.S. AIRLINES IN DISPUTES: In other disputes affecting the industry that have also raised the specter of disrupted flight travel, the Association of Flight Attendants union at United Airlines, the world's largest airline, has threatened to strike.The union does not the want the airlines parent, UAL Corp. (UAL), to go ahead with its purchase of US Airways Group Inc. (U) without a waiver from flight attendants. Talks between the union and the airline broke down on Thursday over whether to link a pay increase to consent from flight attendants for United's planned purchase of US Airways.Also on Thursday, a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order against the Transport Workers Union from disruptive actions at AMR Corp.'s (AMR) American Airlines -- the world's second-largest airline. The judge ordered the union, which represents 31,000 mechanics, fleet service clerks and other workers, to stop such job actions taken on Wednesday and on Thursday at New York's JFK International Airport. In addition, Delta Air Lines (DAL) -- the No. 3 U.S. airline -- and the Air Line Pilots Association are embroiled in a contract dispute. On Thursday they jointly requested an offer of arbitration from the National Mediation Board, the airline said on Thursday.

Check de Klessebes reis pagina voor het laatste nieuws

-- Ben Koot (ben@timedesk.net), March 04, 2001


Hoe internet ook kan worden gebruikt...

-- Ben Koot (ben@timedesk.net), March 04, 2001.

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