new video format CVD similar to SVCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Dear All, I understand that there is a new VCD format similar to SVCD and it is called CVD. Can someone tell me how this is different from SVCD or VCD and where can I get some info on the same in terms of format or specifications. rgds nataraj

-- Nataraj (, March 04, 2001


First what does CVD stand for??

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, March 04, 2001.

CVD means Chinese VCD, similar to SVCDs

-- Nataraj (, March 04, 2001.

CVD or China Video Disc IS NOT A NEW FORMAT. It was the format that was before the SVCD spec was finalized.

-- Victor DeLarose (, March 07, 2001.

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