anyone heard of thiram? (On garden seeds) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

i recently recieved a packet of jalapeno seeds from henry fields seed co. on the back of the packet it stated do not use these seeds for seasoning,etc. treated with THIRAM. anybody know what this stuff is? should i be worried about using these seeds or putting the thiram n my garden?

-- dawn weger (, March 04, 2001


Response to anyone heard of thiram?

dawn, go to the following web site

-- Tom (, March 04, 2001.

Response to anyone heard of thiram?

Holy Moly...After reading that OSHA stuff on thiram I wouldn't feel safe within a mile of one pepper seed!

-- Barb (, March 04, 2001.

Response to anyone heard of thiram?

I believe it is a fungicide, used to prevent "dampening off" at sprouting. If you do not want seeds so treated, buy from an organic producer/source only.

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, March 04, 2001.

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