Veggie : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I want to thank all the responses to my pill bug problem.There are still helpful people left in the world.I have another question,is there any gardening magazines that are devoted to vegatables.The ones at the news stands are 98% flowers.I love flowers in the garden but I love my veggies the most,plus most flowers are not very tasty.I would be happy with a 50\50 but have not found it yet.I love the show Victory Garden and so I emailed them,talk about a brush off they did not even answer any of my questions.Thank you for any help you might give me.Carl
-- carl jackson (, March 03, 2001
I subscribed to American Vegetable Grower for several years. It is however geared to commercial growers.The address is Vegetable Grower, 37733 Euclid Avenue, Willoughby, Ohio, 44094-5992. Cost shows to still be $15.95 for 12 issues.
Organic gardening is the only other one I can think of. What about the Burpee newsletter via email? How about the web site for Spray N Grow at: and It is about their products, but is interesting on the tests done on veggies.
Have any of you used Spray N Grow? SNG provides micro-nutrients to plants through foliar spray.
-- Notforprint (, March 03, 2001.