things beyond OUR control...... : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

i read the article''plagues hit eu,of biblical-plagues-mentioned. IMHO-these are just a foretaste--of the downfall of mens=IDOL'S!!

imho-the seeds we,re planted & now the crops are-near full-term! and being a[BELIEVER] is no guarantee of a problem-free-life. as a matter of fact IMHO-the church is in for a major-chastisment.

the ''name it & claim it'' crowd-ignore the warnings of GODS=SEVERITY.

THE judgment's of GOD----are for a purpose. when you have cancer---you need =treatment. it is painful-but necessary.-----GOD has been WARNING for a looooong-time.----now it's=remedy-time. ~the cup is full--the medicine bitter-the cure is best! TRUE-LOVE-ignores whining--and solves the problem. all manner of kingdoms-built on sand-will fall. only whats built on [the rock of ages=JESUS] WILL-STAND.

FROM<->watching it happen-at-PROPHECY-CENTRAL. ~get in the ARK[JESUS] before it's too late~ {{{{{{{{hugs to all}}}}}}}}}}

-- al-d (, March 02, 2001


-- Die Motherfucker! (off@with.their.heads), March 02, 2001.

dear M other, death will be==graduation thanks!

-- al-d (, March 02, 2001.

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